school at isb

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jessica's pov---

I was right in front of the school gate deciding if i should just go in or just wait until a magic fairy comes and makes me invisible for the rest of my life...

But as i knew that it will never happen, i decided to go with the first option.

I entered the school gates when suddenly my eyes popped out seeing the school building... I was shocked! It was mesmerising... It was a tall, huge building, with the ISB (  the International School of Bucharest ) logo on it on the red brick wall, and the middle part of it was kind of made out of glass... u can't really describe the school, I'm sure it costs a lot because the architect surely put a lot of effort for it.

As i walked by, people were staring at me as if i'm some kind of weird alien intruding their school. I tried not to pay attention but they kept on staring with no care in the world. They didn't even turn around when they saw me staring at them. I wanted to right up there to each and every one and punch them once or twice in their faces! But that would just make me a bad-ass on the first day, wouln't it?

So I just tried and ignored their faces as I walked to the secretary's office asking her for my timetable.

She kindly gave me my timetable and I made my way out reading to see what period I had first. It was chemistry. Shoot! I hated that subject. I asked a couple of girls in front of me where the Chemistry lab was, but they just stared and walked away leaving me there staring like a complete idiot. What was all that about? Was I on another planet or something? But it couldn't be, the language on the timetable was definitely English.

Or was I nude? Did i walk from home naked and i was imagining my clothes on? No, that can't be, im sure someone would have mentioned it...

Just before i wanted to turn around, i felt a tap on my shoulder. At first I was relieved that someone notices me, but then I thought it was the principle darting at me for not wearing any clothes.

But i decided to turn around and face the consequences.

Just as i turned around I saw someone staring wide eyed at me, with a big grin on his face.

Man he looked so hot! just like Taylor Lautner, I even thought it was him at first but i realised he's not because he's a bit taller and and has a wider smile... And also the fact that Taylor Lautner will definitely not be in this school, or even in this city, actually what the hell, he wouldn't even be in this country!

" Day dreaming much? " he asked in an amused tone.

" I- uh... What? um.. sorry " i start to stutter.. Damn! he's hot!

" Did anyone tell you that your'e cute when you stutter? " again, he has that in an amused tone.

" uh- I- uh, i've been um , i've been told "

" you're Hilarius... "

" should i, um- take that as an, um- uff, as an, umm... positive or negative thing? "

" firstly when you talk, just imagine me a disgusting, naked, fat person, and i guess you should take that in whatever way you want... But just for your sake, i said it in a positive way, so now it's your choice to chose in which way you should take it "

I was first shocked at what he said first but then i guess he was trying to help me out from not stuttering, and the second part was kind of confusing...

" wha-t d-do you mean by whatever way i want and a-all that? "

He tilted his head to the right a bit and said, " Well, if you call a sad emo kid that he is very funny and he is so fun to be around and that he looks happy the way he is and what-so-ever he would just want to break down into thousand pieces and say that its not really fair, and that he's got a horrible life, and he is not at all happy. So, sometimes when you tell person something, you should think about his or her attitude before you say it, because you might mean it in a good way, but he might take it in a very bad way " i stare at him for a long time before he asks me, " did you get what i mean?"

I didn't want to stutter anymore so all i did was just nod.

"Good, and it's also good that you you nodded instead of saying yes because then i would have to wait one hour so you can just say yes."

Now he must think i'm a stuttering freak and what-so-ever.

" I have chemistry, may you tell me where it is? I'm kind of lost and I asked a few girls around but they acted all weird around me so... please? " This time I asked with a bit more confidence in me.

" Wow! you didn't stutter, well, i'm not gonna taunt you for this so i'm just gonna help you out and drop you to the chem lab"

" You don't have to drop me, all you have to do it just tell me where it is and i'll be fine "

" Oh, it's okey if you don't want me to drop you... well the lab is upstai-"

I stopped him halfway and said " It's not that i don't want you to drop me, it's just that I don't want to trouble you." I actually meant it. He was the only guy, person rather, who actually talked to me since I came.

" Well then, let me show you the way Jessica"

" Wait, how do you know my name? "

" Well, it's funny that you didn't realise all the stares you've been getting since you entered this school."

That's when I turned around and a billion gazes towards me from every corner and every side.


He chucked amusingly at my billion dollar face i made.

" You should have seen your face!! The press would pay you a million dollars to make that face again! I lay any bet on that one! " He said each word between chuckles.

" Great! Now i embarrassed myself to the only person who came to speak to me! " I said disappointed.

" Hey! hey! hey! Don't say that! You didn't embarrass yourself, it was cute anyway, plus even if you did, you won't get rid of me, even if you want to." he amused.

" Well, let's go to chem, I don't want to be late on my very first day... "

" Sure, follow me ma-lady "

" By the way, What is your name? "

" Britney Spears, " he mocked.

" I'm serious "

" Then you'll have to find out Ms. too-serious-for-a-joke"

" Wow you're weird, has anyone told you that? "

" yes and no "

" Now what is that supposed to mean "

" Nothing, and everything "

" Yep, you're weird " I said in a matter of fact tone.

" Thanks! I'll keep that in mind "

" You sure do "

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2012 ⏰

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