Valor for damaria

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She cried every night
even with the stars beautiful twinkle life was not alright
Her boyfriend yearned to be there, to know why
But she shut him out every night
She cried again the next night
Stars still shinning but not as bright
Everything gets duller when dark kills light
And life was not alright
Her boyfriend still tried every night
To brighten her up and smile wide
But in his eyes stars don't shine
When her heart breaks inside
And on day 355 she cried and cried
She called him late while he was on a drive
He answered quick and she said lets talk
And talk they did for quite some time
She said it doesn't feel the same
That nothing gives joy only pain
She left him on that very night
And every night after he cried and cried
Then a year had passed by
He still thought of her but the tears had dried
He still felt love for her despite her crimes
For feeling endless love comes once in a life
He knew it was rare and so he vowed to fight
To win her love despite distance and fright
But love takes 2 on equal page and sight
So he fought alone night after night

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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