Who's Hades?

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Kirito entered floor 26. He didn't look back. But it still ripped him up inside. He will always be solo, that was that. The sting did dissipate over the last month, as he was fighting monster after monster. He had a ton of boss drops, one can only claim, when they are the first to defeat it.

It felt weird, like everything was normal, peaceful even. Despite the monsters outside, but he was used to that. "I don't care anymore... There are better things to do with my time."

"Who are you taking to?" A young girl asked.

Kirito turned to face her. She had shoulder length, blonde hair and fuchsia eyes. "Nobody important." He turned to leave, but she followed him. He pointed towards town. "The town is that wa-" He whipped around to see that she was gone. He was a bit shocked at first, but decided to continue on his way.

She cut him off, from what seemed like out of nowhere. "I had no idea." She spoke sarcastically.

"Don't ever do that again!" Kirito warned.

"Or what? You're going to slice me in half..." She teased.

Kirito closed his eyes, trying to contain himself, with little success. He looked back up, to see she was gone. He scanned the area with his detection skill.

"Looking for me!" She jumped down on top of him, causing him to face plant.

"Isn't there someone else, you can annoy?" He remained on the ground.


"Just my luck..."

"You're the Black Swordsman. I've heard of you."

"Apparently." Kirito grunted in frustration.

She pulled him onto his feet, without consulting him and he almost fell over, again. He found her to be annoyingly happy.

"Who are you?" He asked in indifference towards her.

"The question you're really asking is, why?"

"Actually, it is."

"Really quite simple. You and me. There is no one else around!"

"Whatever." He continued towards the south cavern.

"I wouldn't go there-!"

"Good, then I trust you won't follow me." Kirito expressed his frustration.

"I was going to say, 'if I were you'. But I am not you, so I will go."

"Perfect." Kirito retorted. He continued towards the cavern and noticed she was still there. "Don't follow me!"

"Don't follow me!" She imitated.

"Seriously? You're going to be like that?" He was not impressed, with her childish behavior.

"Ser-ious-ly? You-re going to-be like that?" She not only repeated him, but mocked him, while doing it.

"Someone help me." He muttered under his breath.

"What do you need?" She saluted.

Obviously, she has been alone on this floor so long, she has lost her sanity.

"Not you!"

"I am more than capable to help you!" She defended. "I am stronger than I look."

"I doubt it."

"I will prove it!"

"You'll just hurt yourself."

"That's what you think."

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