A Bright New Future

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Asuna ran into Kazuto's office. Kazuto had everything set up, but wanted Asuna to be there.

"I can't wait to see her. Are you sure it's ready? I'm so nervous... It's been so long since I have seen her."

"Everything is ready. I double check everything, promise." Kazuto reassured her.

"I can't believe, we are finally going to be a family, again! Hurry up and get it started, already."

"Just a sec." Kazuto typed several codes on the computer. "Everything looks good." He activated the Augma towers and then, finished entering the proper settings.

They stared at a bright light, that appeared in front of them. Asuna grabbed Kazuto's hand, confidently.

Then out of the light, appeared a little girl. It was Yui! She's finally back!

Kazuto approached the young girl, who was a bit disoriented. "Hello, Yui."

She just stared at them, curiously. They were glad that she didn't have to remember all the horrible things, that had happened. Now she could make sweet memories.

"I'm your Daddy." Kazuto offered his hand in a greeting.

"And I'm your Mommy." Asuna introduced herself.

Yui's confused expression disappeared and a smile took its place. "Mommy! Daddy!"

"Oh, Yui!" Asuna accepted her into a hug, when Yui ran to her. Tears of joy, slid down her face.

Then Kazuto joined their family hug. "Yui." When they finally broke from their hug, Kazuto smiled at Yui. "What do you say, we get something to eat?"

"I would like that!" Yui cheered.

"Then I know just the place." Kazuto led them out of the building and towards his new car. It was state of the art, black convertible. CEOs of huge corporations, are expected to travel in style.


They went to a very fancy restaurant and Asuna discovered that Kazuto had made a reservation, prior to his suggestion.

They were seated at a very nice table and there was music playing in the background.

Asuna couldn't help but feel overjoyed. Everything she dreamt was coming true. Since the tragedy, anyways.

They ordered really expensive food and conversed throughout the meal. But when it was time for dessert, it was apparent, that celebrating Yui's return, wasn't the whole focus of this dinner.

Kazuto smiled, taking Asuna's hand in his. He looked into her eyes, slightly nervous about what he was going to say. "Asuna. I wouldn't even be here, if it weren't for you. You never left my side, no matter how hard things got. I never thought I could ever be this lucky. I feel like we have been through the worst possible trials, we could ever face and we did it together. I feel like we could get through anything. I realize now that I don't have to hold myself responsible for my actions. But you knew that, all along. I want that family at the cabin in the woods, just like you do. So, Asuna?"

Asuna felt like she was about to float in a cloud. Her heart beating at a 100 miles per hour. "Yes, Kirito?"

Kazuto got down on his knee. "Will you marry me for real, this time?" He held out an engagement ring.

"Yes! Of course, I will!" Asuna could barely contain herself and threw her arms around Kazuto.

"YAY!" Yui cheered.

Kazuto then pulled her closer for a kiss. Then the two of them were tackled by Yui, but it hardly made them budge.


Augmas were illegal in most parts of the world. But in Japan, they were still allowed, as long as there were no games released for it. The countries decided to stick with VRMMOs, for its detachment with the real world. And with Kirito being the CEO, they were more confident, that these systems were in good hands.

The day finally came. Everyone was expected to wear their Augmas. Kazuto and Asuna wanted Yui to be their flower girl. Klein was standing next to Kazuto. Kazuto was of course in a black tuxedo, and so was Klein.

Yui skipped down the aisle in a pink dress, tossing red flower petals, as she went along.

Asada, Rika, Varina and Keiko followed behind in red bridesmaid dresses, single file and then Suguha, who wore a dazzling red dress, followed after that, as Asuna's maid of honour. Kazuto was growing in anticipation, as he waited for Asuna to appear.

Kazuto felt his heart beating out of his chest, as his eyes landed on Asuna, wearing the most perfect white wedding dress. Her hair was in a beautiful braided bun. At that moment, Kazuto couldn't imagine anything more beautiful.

She stood next to him at the altar and for the rest of the ceremony, they both were lost in each other's eyes. When the time came, they said their 'I do's' and enjoyed a long awaited kiss.

"I pronounce you Mr and Mrs Kirigaya. You may kiss the bride."

So they kissed first. What are you going to do?

Yui ran over and hugged them again. They each placed a hand on Yui's back, pulling her in closer.

I would like to say, that it was a happily ever after, but there were many more trials to be faced. The world was still a mess and even though the world recognized Kazuto for his efforts, tensions still remained between Japan and the other countries. The corporation responsible, even though it was handed down, was originally from Japan, but had extended to the States. The blame would be divided between the two countries and wars were rumored. But no country was in any state to fight it.

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