Imagine #8

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Requested by SatanLikesMyDestiny

You were talking to your brother, Dr. Chilton at his hospital. He was helplessly trying to ask you if you wanted to come over for dinner but you were only here for one reason. Distract Freddie Lounds.

Well intentionally you were only here to talk to Frederick but she must have been following you because she popped out of know where. As she usually does.

"I would love to have you over for dinner. We haven't had a family dinner in a while." Frederick asked shyly.

"I would love too but--" You glanced at Freddie. "But I'm busy tonight. How about tomorrow." He nodded and smiled.

"I'll see you then." You watched him limp up to the building before walking calmly to your car.

With a sickly sweet smile you greeted her. "Freddie."

"Y/N, fancy meeting you here."

"Ah well the king of sass in there requested my presence." Freddie's emotionless demeanor almost cracked but not quite.

"Well you seem busy so I'll be going."

"Actually Freddie I only have to stop by Hannibal's office quickly and then maybe we could go out somewhere." You smiled.

"Oh I don't know." You shrugged.

"Well see you later. Call me if you change your mind." You got into your car and put it in reverse, waving as you passed Freddie.

"Now let's see if she'll bite." You picked up your phone and dialed Will. Bad idea apparently, but you aren't dumb you knew the consequences of calling either of them when they're 'busy' but oh well.

"H-hello." Will was panting.

"Are you almost done. I'll be there in five." You looked in your review mirror. "And she's still following me."

"Keep- ugh- keep her distracted." You gagged as soon as you hung up the phone but you couldn't help but feel a little hurt.

You pushed the feeling away and pulled into the parking lot behind Hannibal's office building. You saw Freddie pull in as well she stepped out of her car and ran to catch up with you quick strides.

"Why Mrs. Lounds are you following me." You fake gasp and put a hand over your chest.

"What if I am." She smirks as you both step into Hannibal's waiting room.

'He must have went all out on sound proofing'  You thought. 

"I don't think I mind." You said pulling innocently at Freddie's bright red coat.

She pushed you against the wall. No doubt the boys heard. Oh well.

"Good." Freddie murmured as she smashed her lips onto yours. Her lips taste liked cinnamon. Her kiss seemed to hold the same fire that her personality does. 

You felt her hand slip into your coat and down your waist. Her other hand going down to pull your right leg around her waist. She was trying to press closer.

Wanting more you ran your tongue across Freddie's bottom lip. She moaned and open her mouth. Your tongue slipped in and mapped out the entirety of Freddie's mouth. You fingers dipped into her hair and you pulled on the curls while battling Freddie's tongue with your own.

You let her win and rewarded her by letting her have her way with you. You felt her small hand try to dip into your skinny jeans when some one cleared there their throat.

Freddie pulled away and gave Hannibal a judgmental look before letting your leg drop to the floor. You seemed unfazed by Hannibal's hard stare. Freddie remained pressed into you for a few moments before giving you another searing kiss and pulling away to straighten her coat.

"Always nice seeing you Freddie." She smirked.

"We should meet up again some time." She turned on her heels and left. By this time Will had showed up and looked a little jealous from beside Hannibal. You marched into Hannibal's office when he motioned for you to come in.

"What? You said distract her." Hannibal stayed silent and kept staring.

"I tried doing as I was told and apparently I slipped up."

"Did you have to kiss her?" Will asked.

"Well no-- Wait a minute why do you care? Why would either of you care its obvious you have each other. So why do you care?" You were beginning to shout.

"Y/N please." Hannibal pleaded.

"Are you jealous?" You asked him. The looks on their faces was enough of an answer for you.

"Oh my god you're both jealous." Neither of them would look at you.

You huffed and grabbed your coat. You were almost out the door when a large hand grabbed your arm.

You whipped around only to have Hannibal crash his lips against yours and close and lock the door.

Will approached and attacked your neck with feather light kisses. You moaned into Hannibal's mouth and melted into him. Will pressed even closer and grabbed your waist. Hannibal's hand slipped into your coat and settled on the small of your back.

You pulled away to catch your breath and looked questioningly at Hannibal.

"I don't understand." You panted.

"You see Y/N all we ever wanted was you." You tilted your head with a confused look on you face.

"Both of you? Was I really that oblivious?" Will chuckled into you neck.

"Yes. Yes you were." Your face dropped.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled into Hannibal's chest.

"For what."

"For not realizing it earlier. I guess I was jealous too. Thats why I kissed Freddie. To make you mad because I like you both and--"

"Hush now. We both like you too and were glad you reciprocate the feelings." Will mumbled.

"Really. You still like after what I did in the waiting room." Hannibal's chest rumbled and you smiled.

"Of course as long as you don't do it again." You smiled and kissed his cheek then you turned and kissed Wills cheek.

"I don't think I'll need to."

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