Chapter 4- Boundaries

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I gripped her waist and in one swift movement pinned her to the bed. Damn no matter how many dreams I had of her beneath me they couldn't compare to the sight before me. Her palms lay on my chest not resisting, her chest heaving violently my eyes desperately drinking in the movements. She eyed me cautiously with those big Brown delicate orbs.

"Cay what are you...doing?" She whispered her eyes locked on mine. I let my eyes roam her body shamelessly and her palms on my chest suddenly became forceful. "St-op! St-op it Ca-le-b" she whispered flustered. I snatched her wrists from my chest and held then down on the bed pulling a gasp from her frail lips.

"" I groaned out, I couldn't wait any longer I needed her. I needed to touch her to be close to her to feel her near me.

"Ca-" her eyes widened in alarm probably just coming to sense with what I was doing. I cut her off crashing my lips to hers. She resisted her arms pulling against my restraint that held them. I held down her hips with my other palm and released her lips to look into her eyes.

Anya's P.O.V

I eyed him warily as he hovered over me his big Green eyes careening my frame gently.

"Wh-at ar-e y-ou do-in-g" I gasped as I followed his eyes which shamelessly ran along each curve of my body. This was so unlike him, too bold. 'Did he really have feelings for me?' I watched him as he looked at me like a hungry beast and suddenly I knew. I forcefully push my palms harder against his chest attempting to get him off me or at least further away. For some reason him being this close to me had pleasing shivers tickling my spine and trickling down all the way to my core. 'What the hell is happening,'  I had never felt so confused in my life.

"St-op! St-o-p! Ca-y St-op it!" I whimpered my body instead of repelling him, welcomed him and deep down it made me angry.

"" he groaned out flustered his grip on my wrists tightening and his gaze on me intense. I couldn't form a proper thought with how lost I was in all that was happening.

"Ca-" I started but I was cut off his lips crashing down on mine. I gasped my eyes widening as I watched him kiss me. 'What's happening? This isn't like him.'
His lips were warm, soft and inviting as they gently coaxed my own. Though the kiss was gentle the passion and intensity I felt was fiery and powerful I almost passed out at the feeling. I didn't kiss back, I couldn't kiss back I was far too angry, confused, hurt to even respond all I could do was resist. I desperately tried to free my hands from his grip but it was no use. He held down my hips and his tongue teasingly ran over my lips before releasing them. My eyes held shock and hurt but mostly betrayal. His eyes were wide with realization and he snapped his eyes shut cursing silently under his breath. Before I could do or say anything.

"I'm so sorry....I lost it...I couldn't control it anymore, but I should have. I should have kept it at bay until you were ready. I'm so fucking sorry." His eyes opened and a few tears fell from his eyes and landed on my cheek. I was stunned. 'How long had he been harboring these feelings? He looks so broken.' 

"Please forgive me" No! I couldn't forgive him. He had just ripped away my sanity and messed with my body, my feelings and my mind.

"No!" I blurted out my voice breaking.

"I really am sorry" he pleaded.

"GET.OFF.ME." I seethed tears leaking from my eyes and pouring down my cheeks mixing with his nearly dried ones. He kissed my forehead before reluctantly getting off me.

"How could you?!!" I yelled the hurt and betrayal boiling in my veins.

"I..I.." He trailed off looking down, but what hurts me the most was there was not one ounce of regret in his eyes.

"How long?" I asked

"What?" He whispered

"" My angry eyes snapped up to meet his apologetic ones. Apologetic but not regretful.

"Two years" he mumbled. My eyes shot open wider at his confession. To be honest I was expecting to hear a month or so, but 2 years??!.

"Tw-o fucking years?!!!" I seethed disbelievingly. "WHY?! Why couldn't you just tell me!"

"Because I knew that this would happen" he sighed.

"I..just stay away from me" I muttered before storming out and slamming the door. I strutted home the anger I felt overflowing in my veins. How dare he do that to me like I didn't have boundaries!

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