Chapter 5 - Trapped

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Anya's P.O.V.

The tears were endless as I huddled up in a ball on my cozy bed.

"Anya honey? Why are you not up for school?" my mom's head peered through the door. I was surprised that she was even awake since she always slept in the day and worked at night I could only hum in response.

"Anya? What's wrong sweety?" She pressed as she sat beside my broken frame. I couldn't help it i launched myself into her arms and let all the tears flow.

"Oh my what happened?" she cooed and soothingly rubbed my back.

"I do-nt k-no-w wh-at to do" I choked out

"How about I call Caleb to come over?" her suggestion made all the pain dissapear for an instant, but I came to my senses.

"NO!" I all but yelled scrambling away from her. "Don't call anyone mom I'll be fine" I frantically said. She nodded and left hesitantly. I closed my eyes and let the darkness numb the pain already feeling the awaiting bliss relax my muscles.


"Shut up! you'll wake her!" an annoying voice shrieked.

"You shut up!" Followed by another

"ALL OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP NOW!" 'ugh! It's called sleep morons.'

yelling and hushed mumbling filed into my ears. My groggy eyes slowly opened to see 4 hazy figures pacing around the room. Kira, Dominic, Aiden and sasha were looming over me.

"can y'all get out my face?" I hissed sitting up and striding to the bathroom. "what are you guys doing here anyways?" I asked brushing my teeth.

"Well you weren't at school today and your mom called us" 'The nerve of that woman!'

"I wasn't feeling well" I lied

"your mom told us you were balling your eyes out" Kira said knowingly.

"Fine so what the hell has that got to do with you?" I hissed storming into the room.

"we are here to cheer you up!" Sasha beamed

"And find out who hurt you" Aiden added

"so we can murder them" Kira added finishing the sentence.

I groaned eyeing them annoyed. this is going to be along day.


I was full on laughing, my stomach cramping me from all the boisterous laughter. Count on Kira to come up with something lame and stupid but hilarious as hell. Aiden however, as usual didn't get the joke raising his eyebrow quizically him being the only one not "Dying" literally.

"Told ya we would cheer you up!" Sasha beamed and I giggled at the childish look on her face.

"ye-" Aiden cut me off blaring his hideous laugh through out the room causing us all to look at him weirdly. He fell on his knees grabbing the bed posts and clutching his tummy with the other hand. Tears werr leaking from his eyes as he doubled over in laughter at the joke everyone else got an eternity ago.

'BLAP!' The sound thundered through the room and Aiden's guffawing stopped abruptly. Sasha had slapped him. and all our mouths were hanging open at the bipolar couple.

"Get up and stop behaving like a wild Boar! Are you a caveman?! get your self together boy!" She barked authoratively and Aiden visibly gulped. Suddenly she burst out laughing slapping her thigh drawing all our eyes to look to her. It seemed she had lost her mind.

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