Chapter 3 - who do I belong with?

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Anya's P.O.V.

"Thanks for the shirt" I grinned as he walked me to the parking lot.

"Anytime.." he trailed off staring at me "your friend seemed pretty upset today" he stated raising his eyebrow.

I sighed a feeling of guilt washing over me, I never went after him and I always go after him we go after each other.

"Yeah he's never been like that before, I'll check on him later" I sighed.

"Maybe he had a bad day" he pressed while I shrugged knowing it had to run deeper than that. I've seen Cay on his worst days and he has never been violent, he scared me today.

"Hmm" I smiled before walking away, but he stopped me his palm wrapping delicately around my wrist

"Can I give you a ride home?" He smiled, his dimples not giving me that butterfly feeling since I was so focused on Cay. He entirely consumed my thoughts.

"No I have a ride thanks" I smiled and walked to where Cay's car is always parked, but it wasn't there. I sighed confused and sat on the asphalt waiting.



It's been 3 hours and it has gotten dark. I wasn't upset I was worried. 'Is he ok?' I tightened my bag straps and slowly stalked towards the main road where I began my long journey to Cay's house.

"Finally" I mumbled. My weary legs gave out and I stumbled as I reached his driveway. I literally walked for an entire hour and a half, my legs were aching and trembling as they struggled to keep me upright. I swear I never felt so heavy before. I knocked, I had a key but I was too tired to go savaging my bag pack for it.
The door later opened and a shirtless annoyed Cay opened the door and his face softened at the sight of me. I collapsed into his arms my legs completely giving out.

"Shit" he cursed.

Caleb's P.O.V

I frustratingly try to spread my bed and all heaven knows I was genuinely trying. The maid wasn't here and I was attempting to straighten out the place. I irritatingly ran my hands through my hair no doubt making it look crazy. I grunted as I ripped the sheets from the bed and stuffed them in the laundry basket completely fed up. Who says I need to sleep with sheets anyway? I was about to plop down on the bed when a faint knock at the door sounded. I stumbled down the stairs miserably, but the gloomy feelings faded instantly at the sight before me. 'Anya?'

She looked damaged like she had been through a storm. Not to mention her smell, she reeked terribly. I could see j sweat covering her face and seeping through the fabric of the top she was wearing. I grunted as she suddenly collapses into my arms her face buried in my chest and her legs wobbling. Then it clicked, I wasn't there to drive her home. The thing is we live extremely far from school practically on the other side of town so I always took her since we weren't that far from each other. 'But why didn't she call me?' I wondered as I lift her up and take her to the kitchen and place her on the counter to sit.

I press an ice pack to her forehead and she sighed in relief her hands grasping the edge of the counter.

"Why didn't you call me?" I asked gently

"I don't know" she faintly whispered her voice breaking.

"You smell" I chuckled and she smiled obviously gaining back some of her energy as she grabbed my head and stuffed it under her armpit. I grumbled pushing her off me as she laughed hard slapping the counter.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I pouted, but couldn't help laughing either.

"You should see your face" she choked out between her boisterous irritating laugh that I liked more than I should. Her laugh sounded like a pig having asthma, but I liked it it was music to my ears. It was the kind of laugh that made you laugh. Everything about her made me swoon. She suddenly stopped laughing as she saw the serious expression on my face.
She frowned and I hated when she did. I placed my fingers at the corners of her lips and stretched them out into a smile causing her to smile. She playfully wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me closer her fingers playing with my ears. I don't know why but she always loved doing that she had always been fascinated with my ears.

"What happened today Cay?" She asked her eyebrows creasing. My throat tightened and I freed myself from her grip as I turned away from her and sighed. I heard her jump off the counter and come up beside me.

"Talk to me" she pleaded.

"I... I... I love y-ou" I said shakily not daring to meet her eyes. She suddenly chuckled.

"Of course you do we've been friends for ages. No need to be jealous" she joked. I sighed knowing she wouldn't take me seriously.

"That's not-" she cut me off suddenly getting upset.

"So that's why you behaved like that today because you were jealous?!" She all but yelled and I cringed at her tone. Before I could respond she jabbed her finger into my chest repeatedly and I winced at each poke she gave. "You dimwit you knew I liked him! Yet you ruined the lunch because of your stupid man hormones! How could you? I finally have someone I liked after not ever having a successful relationship ever. How could you? You are supposed to be my best friend, not my hater Cay! I can't believe you could be so selfish!"

"I will not apologize for how I feel!" I snapped back and she gasped.

"Is that so? and how exactly do you feel?" She asked confused.

"I don't want you with him!"

"You never approve of anyone I like even when they are good people why?!" She asked stepping forward.

"Because you don't belong with them" I mumbled

"Then who do I belong with?" She pressed her nostrils fuming.

"You should go take a shower" I mentioned before sauntering away from her. I laid on the naked bed staring at the ceiling, the sound of water hitting the tub filling my alert ears. The shower soon turned off and I slowly rose to take out clothes for her, she had lots of clothes here since she practically lived here sometimes. I pulled out her little bunny pajama top and her silk shorts, a black underwear and set them on the bed before lying back down.

The door opened but she said nothing. She grumbled something, I didn't need to hear to know what she said because she said it every time she showered here. She was complaining about not having any woman soap and not having shampoo. She changed my eyes on the ceiling the entire time not daring to look, I wouldn't.

"Done" she said and my eyes travel to her as she went to put away her dirty clothes.

"Good. Now sleep" I ordered and she threw me the middle finger.

"Don't order me around you dimwit" she hissed collapsing onto the bed next to me. She didn't seem to notice the state of bed, that or she didn't care.

"I don't want you with him" I blurted out. She sat up on her elbows glancing at me annoyed.

"Why Cay? What's wrong with this one?"

"He's not me!" I hissed sitting up as well. Her gorgeous eyes widened at my confession and she eyed me with an unknown emotion.

"What?...Cay you can't..." she trailed off

"Why not?" I pleaded I had already jumped in the deep end I might as well try to swim.

"Because I..I."

"What?" I asked, her eyes turned to slits and she narrowed them at me.

"You don't get to feel that way!" She all but accused. And I did the most unforgivable thing after that.

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