Seunghyun - Mornings with you

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You offed your morning alarm, sitting up afterwards. Looking at the side, Seunghyun was still sleepint soundly. You placed your hands on his cheeks, and kissed him.


It's time to get out of bed and get ready for work. As you moved the covers to the side and was on the verge getting out of bed, you felt a hand pulling you towards him. You found yourself trapped in Seunghyun's arm.

Burying your face on his chest, you closed your eyes for a while. "Don't go," He whispered.

"But I have to sweetheart. I've got work today," you replied.

He moved back a little, placing his arms on the pillows as he looked at you. "Tell them that you're sick,"

You shook your head. "Sometimes I wished I wasn't a workaholic,"

"I told you to quit your job and become a housewife. Enjoy the luxuries in life while I earn an income," He smiled.

You got out of bed, made your way towards the bathroom, taking your towel halfway.

"That's a nice view," Seunghyun said.

You turned and he had both his hands on his head, leaning against the headboard. "It's only the start of today and you're already being sexy,"

You rolled your eyes. "Gosh, Seunghyun,"


The cold waters hit you as you started washing up yourself. As you were squeezing out some shampoo, kisses were felt on your neck.

Your husband had his arms wrapped around your waist, as he placed his head on your shoulder.

"Seunghyun, you're supposed to be sleeping" you said.

"Can't I just have an intimate moment with my wife this early morning?" He whined a little.

"Of course you can, but I'm going to be late for work,"

You sighed. You turned behind. Instead of shampooing your own hair, you did on your husband's hair. "Oh god it's a women's shampoo you're using!"

"It's just the same as me using your men's body shampoo," you stated, concentrating on washing his hair.

Seunghyun did the same thing in return. "I hope we can have more moments like this, wifey"

You frowned. "Wifey sounds cheesy,"

After shampooing your hair, he washed it for you afterwards. "Okay baby, now that we're almost done, let me have a quick shower," you said.

"No, I'm not going anywhere,"

Stubborn Seunghyun was standing right in front of you, crossing his arms. "I want to be with you!"

He was becoming like a little kid by seconds. "Okay then at least wait outside? Brush your teeth or something," you replied, squeezing his cheek.

Finally he obliged. You continued your shower alone while he sat on the edge of the bathtub, staring at you.


Dressed up in your t-shirt and shorts, you started prepping your make-up. Seunghyun was still there, sitting at the edge of bathtub with a towel wrapped around his torso.

"Why do you even need make up when you're already so beautiful?" He asked.

The both of you made eye contact through the mirror. "I need to impress my clients, thats why,"

"Fuck them, they're only here to steal my wife away and fuck her. I don't like that," he muttered.

Despite saying that softly, you could hear him. "I'm glad someone's jealous," you chuckled.

As you picked up your foundation, Seunghyun went towards you and carried you. You shrieked, shocked by his actions. He placed you on the counter of the sink, throwing all of your make-up on the counter to make spake.

All of them previous make-up were on the floor, broken. " SEUNGHYUN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

He covered your mouth. "I can buy all of them for you but, please baby let me have my moment,"

Drowned in his spell, you wrapped your arms and legs around him. He leaned in, placing a kiss on your lips in which you returned.

Your hands grabbing his hair, his hands roaming around your body. For a moment, he pulled back and carried you towards the bedroom.

"You're not going to work anymore baby," he whispered in your ears. "You're trapped with me,"

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