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My right leg burned in pain, and so did both of my arms. My face felt dizzy, and whenever I touched my face, blood was on my fingertips. I gasped in horror, getting out of the bed. Right then, I realized I wasn't in fairy tail anymore. My guild mark was gone.

"AHHHHH!" I scream, and Virgo, Lucy's celestial spirit ran in the room. She startled me, but had a super serious expression on her face.

"You okay, Wendy?" She asked me, and I nodded slightly. "I'm so worried about you. If you want to know where Lucy is, she left like two hours ago to find the healing celestial spirit."

The healer? I was more than shocked. "Really? Did she save us?" I ask, and Virgo nods. "Lucy did all by herself?" Virgo shook her head no. "I thought so."

"She had us, her celestial spirits."

"Oh, I see." I say. "I mean, no other wizard by her?" She shook her head no. Shock overcame me, and my eyebrows twitched. She grinned, and then gleamed in amazement.

"Well, is Lucy alright?" I question. She nods lightly. "Are you protecting us?" She smiled, and then nodded delicately. "What are—?" She started to fade.

"I will find a celestial spirit to stay and protect you guys," she said. "That's my promise." She left within seconds, and a woman appeared. She was so beautiful, and so pretty.

"Hello, Wendy," she said kindly. "Do you know who I am?" I shook my head no, and she smiled lazily. "I am Celesta, best friend of Grandeeney, and also known as the celestial dragon." The celestial dragon? I was shocked. Right now, she looked like this:

 Right now, she looked like this:

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"W-Wow," I say in astonishment. She looked a lot like Lucy, and both of them were pretty. In my opinion, Lucy was always more pretty than Erza. Erza was always mean, and I waited for devil horns to come out of her head.

"I am here to protect you, daughter of Grandeeney," she said. "And, the cousin of Zeref himself." The cousin of Zeref? Mirajane? "I can read your thoughts, dear. Yes, she's the cousin of him."


"Lisanna and Elfman are adopted," she explained. "At first, Mirajane was an illusion, but she actually came to life as half demon and half human."

"Wow." I say, impressed. "So, when Mirajane transforms into hers, she actually is a takeover demon which makes her more powerful than most."


"She has her own life force, and does what she wants," Celesta explained. "No one can control her. Don't even tell about any of it, okay?" I nod, and stare at the ground nervously.

Suddenly, the numbness went away. It started when she was telling me the story. My body was wounded, and I felt the floor come to me. Suddenly, the whole world went black.

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