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Sirius went off down the hallway to the toilet, humming to himself, meandering along. He dragged his wand along the wall, bored as he trotted down the hallway. He waved his wand and charmed each one of the suits of armor along the way into different positions along the corridor and snickered as he looked back over his mischief. It wasn't particularly terrible, but it would make Filch go wild. He grinned and ducked into the toilet.

It was a lesser used toilet, and therefore still clean from Filch's administrations earlier that morning. It smelled of soap suds and mop water. He went about his business, flushing the loo and chuckling to himself about the memory of him and James flushing a whole load of Filibusters down a toilet upstairs as he went out to the sink basins to wash his hands. He drew his wand out of the knot in his hair as he stared at himself in the mirror - dropping it onto the sink counter - and grinned at the way his hair fell over his shoulders, tossing it playfully.

Sirius was playing at making faces in the mirror - trying to decide which of his pouty faces was the best one to hit Moony up with when he returned to the library - when the bathroom door opened behind him. He stopped at his pouting and turned the faucet on to actually wash his hands when he heard, "Accio wand," from behind him and his wand went flying from the sink counter.

"Oi, what the fuck are you playing at - taking somebody's wa--" he stopped mid-word as he turned about and found himself staring into the collar bone of Aliston Mulciber, who was taller than Sirius and broader, too. Sirius's eyes travelled up Mulciber's neck to his jawline. "Well. Hullo." He took a step back, "A little close, aren't you?" he grinned, "Might catch the Queer Cooties off me." His eyes twinkled menacingly.

"Brash talk for someone who's unarmed," came Evan Rosier's voice. Rosier stepped around Mulciber, holding Sirius's wand, looking it over. It'd been Rosier that had accioed it. Sirius made to grab it out of his hand, but Evan withdrew it before he could and handed it off to Germaine Avery. "Here, hold this," he said, and Avery grinned, clutching it in his fist.

Sirius looked around. Fanning about from behind Mulciber came the whole lot of the boys that often picked on Remus - Grant Crabbe, Dimitri Goyle, Amycus Carrow, Antonin Dolohov, Walden McNair, and even Severus Snape, though Snape hung back a bit from the others, a sour look on his face.

"Sod off, the lot of you," Sirius said, trying to sound firm, "You'll all be in great trouble when McGonagall hears about this."

Rosier smiled, "It's alright. The detention will be worth teaching you a lesson." And he nodded to Mulciber, who stepped around behind Sirius, sort of cornering him and Rosier took a step forward, shoving Sirius back against the sink basin. "You're an embarrassment to the name of Black," he said.

Sirius laughed, "Alright. You sound like my dear old mum. Why do you give a damn about the name of Black? You're not a Black, are ya, Evan?"

"It matters because Black is one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. You're a blight to the status of pureblood!" Evan said. "Filth like you - should be exterminated..."

Sirius grinned.

Evan raised his wand, "You think I'm funny?"

"Quite hilarious," Sirius answered solemnly. He stared right into Evan's face. "I think you and your entire little group here are a right good joke. You don't have the guts to - what was the word? Exterminate me? You little cockroach. Fuck you."

Several of the boys around him growled, unamused by Sirius's words, but Evan held up his hands, his eyes glinting. He'd obviously been sort of hoping for a good segue like this, and he asked, "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now