Chapter 2

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As I walked through the halls, schedule in hand, I recognized a lot of faces that I saw walking by. I got to my locker and emptied most of my stuff into it since I wouldn't really need anything for home room today.

I closed it, careful to make sure nothing fell out in the process. Turning on my heel, I ran right into a girl whose head I had looked right over.

"Oh, I'm so-," I started to apologize, but she had already picked up her stuff and walked away. I noticed a small piece of paper on the ground where her things had fallen and opened to read simply "sorry" in intricate handwriting. How she had written and left the note so quickly confused and amazed me at the same time. I shoved the note in my pocket and made my way toward homeroom without any more problems.


Second period was going by smoothly and normally, when there was a soft knock on the door. Our teacher, Mr. Hannift, went to open it and when he did the atmosphere suddenly changed to a more tense and anxious one. I looked around and it seemed as if I was the only to feel that way and I didn't even know why. It was almost like I was feeling what another was feeling. For a split second, it felt like I was someone else. I quickly shook off the feeling and looked at the girl entering our classroom.

She was short, at least ten inches shorter than me. Her red hair flowed down her back and covered her face. It took me a second to realize, but she was the girl I ran into this morning. I could tell it was her though I only got a glimpse. Her fiery red hair gave it away. She handed Mr. Hannift something too small for me too tell what it was, but he perked up suddenly and said, "Ah yes, Miss Gayle, I have a seat reserved for you right next to Mr. Garrett. Colton, raise your hand, please." I raised my hand, and he directed her towards the empty seat next to me.

She seemed to glide over to the seat, and although she was facing me completely, I still couldn't get a clear view of her face. Her head was bent down towards the floor and she looked at no one. As she sat down, one of her books tumbled off the stack she was carrying and I caught it quickly before it hit the ground, handing it back to her without saying a word.

When I brought my hand back, I was once again surprised to see one of those small slips of paper sitting lightly on my palm. This time, it said "thank you" in the same wonderful scrawl. I glance quickly at her, still flabbergasted by how she could write so fast and get me those notes without notice.

She ignored my presence for the rest of class and hardly even moved until the bell rang signaling the end of second period. She was out of the room faster than I had my books gathered.

Luke, who was also in my second period, caught up to me as I was leaving the class so he could talk to me. I knew I wasn't going to like whatever he was about to say to me.

The thing about Luke is that because of Tressa, he notices a lot of things. She always gets upset if he doesn't notice something about her or something important to her, so he has worked on that just to please her. Now he notices small things that nobody else even cares about. Of course, Tressa loves it, but the rest of us have to deal with it too. I bet he's going to say something about that girl that sat beside me last period.

"So who was that girl that sat beside you last period? (See?) You stared at her almost the whole time. You caught her book like magic and she just ignored you. It was so strange. And don't think I didn't notice you stiffen up when she first came in," he bombarded me with all these things that sounded suspiciously like accusations.

I quickly thought of an acceptable response and answered, "Oh, all that was just because she's the only new student this year at all. Did you notice that? There's only one new student. I just thought it was kind of strange." He seemed to be okay with what I had said and continued on to his next subject of which I heard none. I couldn't think of anything but that mysterious girl.


Lunch is always worst on the first day of school. None of the freshmen and new students know to bring their lunch because the school lunches suck. So they all wait in a line that takes up half the cafeteria. I could barely even get to my table. The one that my friends and I have been sitting at since we started coming to this school.

I plopped down on the seat and got my lunch out. Just as I was about to start eating my sandwich, I felt the same atmosphere change as before and knew the girl had entered the cafeteria. I looked around, trying not to be to obvious that I was searching for her. I spotted her walking towards the line and my legs stood me up on their own and started to walk over to her. It was like some invisible force dragged me towards her. I reached her quickly because of my long stride and stood by her in line.

"Hi, my name is Colton. And you are...?" I asked politely. I didn't want to ask her name without telling her mine first. She sort of jumped when I first started talking. I guess she didn't know I was standing there.

She didn't look at me and made no move to acknowledge me. So I spoke again.

"You did hear me right?" She nodded her head. "What's your name?" No response. "Can you talk?" No response. "Will you look at me at least?" She seemed to consider it for a few seconds before giving in and slowly turning to face me completely and look me in the eyes.

The first thing I noticed was not her long red hair or her shimmering eyes. Not her beautiful figure or her flawless skin. No, it wasn't even the fact that she was tiny compared to me. The very first that I realized was that this wonderful girl standing right in from of me was the one from my dream.


Author's Note









Checkout my YouTube channel (beekahboo22)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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