Chapter 6

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Hey guys. Hopefully you guys like this chapter. This is dedicated to the following people who fanned me recently 





Thanks guys!!!!!!!


***Landon's POV ***

We sat there a little awkwardly after we both got a hard on from kissing. I don't think either one of us wanted to go any further yet. I know I wasn't ready. I don't think Dylan was either. I had to make myself think of stuff to get me not-so-excited. I'm sure Dylan was too. Finally we were comfortable enough to talk.

" so where does this leave us now" Dylan asked me.

" I'm not sure. Where do you want us to be."

" I dunno. I mean are we like dating?"

"that sounds so weird. Plus this is all so new to me. I'm not sure if I am ready to be in an official relationship with a guy." I stated. The look on Dylan's face told me I had just crushed him. I guess he was hoping I would say yes. But I couldn't yet. I was still trying to figure this all out. I've accepted I was gay now. But did I want to be out? I'm not ready for everyone to know yet.

" okay i understand" Dylan replied turning away from me. I could tell he was really upset.

" I'm not saying we won't end up together but I just want to take this slow. Let's just keep this to ourselves so I can get used to it. I still want to kiss and stuff. I do like you Dylan."

" okay sounds fair" he seemed a little happier at that response. I was just really nervous. Nervous about being accepted and about what Dylan and I were about to get ourselves into. Until yesterday both of us thought we were straight. And now we had just decided to be something a little more than friends. I was worried that if we did start to date he would decide he wanted to go back to being straight and I would be crushed. I figured that maybe if we didn't get too serious then if something happened we could just go back to being friends. But if we got into a serious relationship then how could we go back from that? That almost never works out well. And I couldn't stand if that happened to us. We had been friends so long that I would be lost without him. I know if we crossed that line there was no going back. And we were both only 17. How many relationships that start that young actually last? None that I know of at least. That's what scared me. It's not that I was scared to be in a relationship with Dylan. I was more scared of what would happen if it ever ended. If he was just any other girl I dated I wouldn't care so much. If it ended oh well. But Dylan wasn't just another girl. He was a guy. And he was my best friend. I couldn't lose that. I was too afraid to. A relationship right now would be too scary. I was worried enough now that we had kissed and already kind of crossed the friendship barrier. But not completely. It was like we only had one foot over the line and could go either way. But once we took that next step we couldn't retract our steps. I was not ready for that. Maybe one day but not now. Not with this all being so new. Baby steps. I just hoped he would be ok with that.

"so what do you want to do today" I asked him trying to lighten the mood.

"wanna go to the movies?" he suggested

" yeah sure sounds good"

We left the house and drove to the movie theater. We decides to watch a scary movie because I know how much Dylan loves them. We sat in the back row of the theater and the movie started playing.

***Dylan's POV***

We were watching the movie and it felt nice to sit here and enjoy it with Landon. It was kind of like a date. Well maybe not exactly since he didn't want to date me right now. It kind of hurt when he said that. I thought for sure after we kissed and admitted we were gay we could be together. I guess he just wasn't ready. I just couldn't understand why though. He didn't seem to have a problem with being gay. Maybe it was just me. I mean he had been in plenty of relationships before. I'm pretty sure he had slept with a few girls. He obviously doesn't have a problem being in a relationship so what is wrong? I guess he just doesn't want me like that. Maybe he is just wanting to have a friends with benefits kind of thing. Well that is not my thing. I won't do that. If that's all he wants well he wasn't getting in my pants if he didn't even want to date me. HELL NO. NO WAY. WHAT DOES HE THINK I AM? A SLUT!!! Wait calm down Dylan you are sooooo overreacting. Man why am I so emotional about him. I'm never emotional like this. Out of the two of us I was always the cool, calm cocky one. So sure of myself all of the time. I never worried what people thought of me. I was never shy in a relationship. That's what the girls always loved about me. My confidence. But Landon seemed to have my confidence faltering. He was making me worried and nervous as HELL!!! That boy was making me like an emotional paranoid woman. Well I guess we can safely assume I was the girl in this relat...well whatever this was. God that probably means if we ever had sex I would be the bottom. GREAT!! Note my sarcasm. I was gonna go from the guy who fucks girls to the guy who takes it up the...yeah let's not get ahead of ourselves. I guess it wouldn't be that bad though. I mean I hear it can feel good. It's sex it gotta feel good. I guess we will see when the time comes. Oh god I am already accepting the fact that I will be the bottom and we only just freaking kissed. This boy is driving me nuts what he is doing to me.

I finally pulled my head together and looked at the movie screen just as the credits started rolling. Great I missed half the movie thinking about my emotions. I hope Landon didn't notice.

" man that was a great movie !!" Landon said. I just nodded in agreement.

" I really liked when the guy cut the other guys head off with the chainsaw". He said

" yeah that was great" I replied

" Dude that didn't even happen. I knew you weren't paying attention. What the hell were you concentrating so hard on?" he mocked me

" sorry just thinking." I said Fuck he noticed I wasn't paying attention. What am I gonna say 'oh I was just thinking about why you don't wanna date me and that I'll prob be the bottom' oh yeah that would sound great. He would think I'm nuts.

" ok bro." he said not pushing the subject. Thank god

Man what was this boy doing to me?


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