Chapter 2

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Hi! Sorry it's been so long since I updated, but I hope I can make it up to you by adding one chapter every day this week! I hope you like it!

I saw that there was a text from Mason.

Mason:The game starts at 7:00 ish I think

Mason: Come over when you wake up.

Both of the texts had been sent at around 8 am, I look at my clock and laughed, it was 11:13 am. Mason was probably pissed that I hadn't texted him back yet. I quickly sent him a message.

Aiden: I just woke up.

Aiden: I'll leave in a few minutes

I went down stairs to get breakfast... or lunch, it depends on how you look at it. When I finished I put my dishes in the sink and pulled on my shoes.

"Bye Mom." I called as I opened the front door.

"Where are you going, and when will you be back?" She asked

I sighed, "I'm going to Mason's, then a football game at the school. I'll probably be back late, I'll text you." I responded

"Ok! Have fun!" She said

I walked out the door and put in my ear buds. I started walking to Mason's, and let the music flow over me.

When I got to Mason's house, I was immediately rushed up stairs to Mason's room. When we got inside, Mason and Caleb stood me in the center of the room, then sat on Mason's bed.

"Is this really how you want to look when you meet the boy who has a massive crush on you?" Asked Mason

"Ugh." I groaned "I don't see a problem with what I'm wearing, especially since I'm not meeting him, I'm just going to a football game that he's playing at."

"You want to have a good first impression." Said Caleb

"Yeah, you clothes are all mismatched." Said Mason

"Ugh. Fuck off, there's nothing wrong with my clothes." I grumbled

After arguing with them about what I was wearing and how my hair looked, we decided that I would leave my light brown hair hanging long and sweeping across my forehead and dangling in front of my eyes. I had on a green, yellow, and black muscle shirt despite the fact that I have no muscles due to the fact that my only hobbies are video games and sleeping. I also had on my usual red Adidas hoodie and plain black pants.

After we finished with that, we decided to played video games ( surprise, surprise.) until we had to leave.

Because none of us had bothered to check, we got to the school and discovered that the game didn't start until 8:00pm.

I looked at my watch. "Great. The game doesn't start for another hour at least."

"Don't be upset." Chided Caleb "Now we can get good seats!"

"You guys go ahead." I said "I'll come find you when the game starts, but for now I'm staying where the WiFi is."

"Ok." Said Mason "But if you don't come, one of us will come find you."

I found a hallway in the basement where there was nobody around, and sat down with my back up against the wall and my legs crossed.

I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through Twitter, trying to check up on the world. I stayed like this for almost an hour. I heard footsteps and thought that it must be Mason or Caleb coming to get me.

I stretched out my legs, getting ready to stand up just as a figure rounded the corner. When I saw the familiar colours of the Football team uniform I was surprised. As they got closer I saw that it was Carter. Of course, of all the people that it could be, it had to be Carter.

Hi! Did you like this chapter? The first two chapters are sort of set up, but I promise that there will be exciting things in the next few chapters. *Cackles evilly*
Hope you like it,and I'll see you in the next part!
P.S. Also, do you guys want the chapters to be longer, or is this a good length?

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