Chapter 4

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Hi guys!

I don't really have anything to say right now so... um... I hope you like this next part! I'll have more to say at the end of this part... so go look down there... but like read this part on your way... yeah... ENJOY!


When we finally made it to the nurse, I was starting to get worried. Aiden hadn't made any movements to suggest that he was alive except for the little puffs of air from between his lips every few seconds.

"Oh no! What happened?" Exclaimed the nurse when she saw me walk over with Aiden.

"Well.. Um, to make a long story short, I was running and I tripped over his legs and face planted, then my nose started bleeding and Aiden saw the blood and started hyperventilating or something like that, then he passed out." I said gesturing to my swollen nose then to Aiden's limp body, his head curled up against my chest.

"Ok Dear." she said "Set him down here." she motioned to the table in front of her.

I set Aiden down on the table and took a step back, unsure of what to do. I grabbed a chair from the side of the room and sat down.

The nurse walked over to the big box that i knew was filled with bandages and ice packs, in case any of the players got hurt during the game. She reached in a pulled out an ice pack and handed it to me.

"Here you go dear." she said kindly

"Oh, thanks" i replied graciously.

She moved away again and this time came back with a blood pressure cuff. She also had a thermometer, which she ran across Aiden's forehead.

"Oh honey, You might want to go change." she said

"Why?" i asked, confused at the question

"You said that the blood made him go unconscious?" she said

"Yeah." i responded " But what does that have to do with me changing?"

"You're still covered in blood, and i don't think that it would be good if THAT was the first thing that he saw when he woke up."she said

"Ok, i guess" i said as i stood up to leave

"Wait, before you go, would you mind helping me take off his sweatshirt, because you somehow managed to get blood on it too." she said "And I think that he'd feel better if it was his friend doing it."

"Oh, i'm not his friend, i just meet h- Ok."

I walked over to the table and helped the nurse sit him up. I grabbed the hem of his hoodie and started to lift it up his torso. His shirt lifted up with it, so I had to pull it down before lifting his hoodie off his head and pulling his arms through.

I left to room and walked back towards the team change room where i had been running from when I ran into Aiden.

A/N Ha Ha get it? He literally RAN into Aiden. Or tripped over him... Never mind.

On the way i picked up my abandoned padding and jersey. I walked into the change room and threw my stuff in my bag. I changed into my normal clothes, which were a plain black v-neck and jeans. I took off my cleats and pulled on my dirty, old sneakers. I also grabbed my Letterman jacket in case i got cold.

I walked back to the nurse and saw that to much had changed. The nurse had thrown a thin blanked over Aiden, then disappeared. I sat down and pulled out my phone and waited. About 10 minutes later. Aiden sat up with a gasp. He looked around frantically until his eyes met mine. He seemed to relax as if realizing where he was. He started shivering in the cool air, so i grabbed my jacked and stood up to give it to him. I looked up and saw him jumping off the table.

"Wait, don't-" my words cut off as he crumpled to the floor

"Ok, then" he said "I guess walking is out of the question, at least for now."

I laughed and walked over to him.

"Do you want me to help you up?" i asked "We can go watch the game?"

"Yes please!" he said with a smile

I knelt down and picked him up. He sat up in my grasp, and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"You're like my knight in shining armor." he said "But i'm not a damsel in distress."

I laughed and kept walking until i found a grassy patch that gave us a clear view of the field. I set him down, then flopped on the ground beside him. I draped my jacket over his shoulders like a cape. He moved to the side then laid down and used my lap like a pillow. I propped my self up and started watching the game.

We stayed like that until the game was over. I stood up, and was helping Aiden get up when i heard somebody yelling my name.


'Well shit.'

Hi! I hope you liked this part! i know that its a bit longer than usual but i didn't feel like i could cut it off any sooner. The next chapter will be the last one *cries* but with this finished i might start posting chapters from a new story that i'm working on *Evil Grin* Mwahahahah.

Any way, like always, if you liked it give me a vote! And i'll see you guys in the next part.



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