Chapter 3

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Hi Guys! Like I said I'm going to be adding a new part every day this week. I won't be able to post over the weekend because I'm going camping, but I'll try to post when I get back.
P.S. I don't know if there's a special way that I should do this, but basically there is blood in this chapter so... At the end if the chapter in the A/N there will be a brief summary of the chapter.

Aiden P.O.V.
Of course, of all the people that it could be, it had to be Carter.

He obviously wasn't expecting anyone to be there because when he rounded the corner he stumbled and then tripped over my extended legs and went sprawling across the floor, flat in his face.I quickly crawled over to make sure that he was alright.

"Oh my God! Are you Ok?" I asked then I immediately chided my self 'Of course he's not Ok, why else would he still be laying on the ground like an idiot.'

"Yeah, I'm Ok, I think I hit my nose thought." he said thickly

------------------Blood Warning-----------------

He pushed himself up onto his knees and grabbed his nose. A drop if blood fell in between his fingers and hit the floor. My breath hitched in my throat and I froze. He pulled his hand away to look at the damage,and blood started trickling down his wrist. I jumped back and pushed my back up against the wall. I closed my eyes and covered my ears, trying to steady my breathing. I could feel the blood draining from my face and pooling in my stomach. I felt my heart racing and my breaths becoming ragged and uneven, then the world went dark.

Carter P.O.V
As my nose stopped bleeding I looked beside me, to where the boy, Aiden had been kneeling when he ask me if I was alright.

I look over and see that he's not beside me any more, but that he's sitting slumped against a wall. His face looks as pale as snow, he's shaking like a leaf in the wind. As I watch, he stops moving and slumps into the ground. I don't think that he's conscious. With out thinking I pull off my blood covered jeresy and bulky padding, and I walk over and pick up Aiden's small form.

I start making my way through the school towards the Football field. The hallways are abandoned since everyone is at the game, so nobody bothers me. As we walk I see that his hair has fallen into his eyes and I resist the urge to brush it out of the way.
"What am I doing?" I say out loud even thought nobody's there.

"What is it about Aiden that makes me feel like I need to protect him?"

A/N Gahhhh this is so cheesy it's gross.

"Come on Carter, you need to get Aiden to a nurse and stop thinking about how adorable he looks when he's unconscious." I think

I re-adjust the way that I'm carrying him so that his legs are over one of my arms and my other arm is across his back holding him to my chest with his head resting between my shoulder and the crook of my arm.

Ta da! I hope you liked this chapter!
For any body who skipped this chapter because if the blood (which there is very little of) here's your summary.

-Carter runs around the corner and trips on Aiden's feet.

-Carter hit his head on the ground and his nose starts to bleed

-Aiden has a phobia/trauma related to blood and has a panic attack

-Aiden passes out due to aforementioned panic attack

-Carter picks Aiden up and starts carrying him to the nurse, and has a super cheesy mental debate about his feelings.

That's basically all that happened s I this entire chapter.
As usual, thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the next part!

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