Chapter 31

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"It's going to be okay " Stiles said pacing back and forth , I stared at the ground . How could I let him get away with her , I should've fought back .

"Okay it only been two day , so she most likely not dead " Stiles rambled . I know he felt like this was his fault , but I know it wasn't .

"Stiles " I said , I stood up and put my hand on his shoulder ." We going to find her , let's try tracking her scent again " I said .

I sniffed her jacket , and began follow her scent .
"Turn left" I told Stiles , I finally smell her scent getting stronger .

" turn right here " I said , after the turn ahead was creepy looking building . " are you sure this is it Scott ?" Stiles said in a shaky voice .

"I'm sure " .

He parked his jeep , and we both hopped out of the car. " what's the plan " he asked .

" I have no clue , let's just see if she is here "

" oh what if she is here , and the girl who took her has friends that going to kill us " Stiles said spazzing out.

"We will just have to see" I started walking , it was so quite outside they only sounds I could hear was the rocks crunching under my shoes and Stiles breathing  hard .

We reached the building door , I stood there listening to see if anyone was in there . " are you going to knock " Stiles whisper to me .

I shot him a glare and open the door , the door creaked loud . I stepped into the building , no sound .  As I walked my footsteps echoed through out the building .

" I swear I smelt her scent ". My heart started to sink into my chest . Did I lose her forever ?

"Hey maybe she in here somewhere we just go to keep look-"

"Hey there sugar " a voice said . It was Emma's voice .

I snapped my head towards the direction her voice came from , and there she stood . She was dress in tight black leather legging and a black crop-top and black heels.

"Emma are you okay ?" I said rushing up to her , but she stuck out arm pushing me away .

" I feel so alive , Alec has been treating nice , very nice " she said bitting her lip .

" who is Alec ?"

" my puddin , my cupcake , my dad-"

"Eww" Stiles said .

She gave Stiles a cold glare.

" let's get you out of here " I said holding my hand out , she looked down at my hand .

" she not going anywhere " a mans voice said .

"Puddin!" She squeaked , and running upstairs to the man who took her .

"What did you do to her " I growled .

"Everything you didn't , see Emma right here not easily pleased . It took me a while to find her spot and when I did I just Did this " he began kissing her neck and she actually started to moan .

I couldn't believe what was happening , I let out a roar .

" oh , that doesn't scare me , now I got business to attend to . Now puddin can you deal with the bad man right there and come home when you're done " he said . She nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek .

She kicked off her heels and jumped down the flight of stairs ready to fight me . " dude you're seriously going to fight her " Stiles said with worry in his voice .

" no "

She let out a growl and ran towards me , she slid right into me knocking me down . I landed flat on my back . I let out a cry , she went to kick me but I rolled over avoiding it .

I quickly stood back up , but she quickly punched me . "Emma stop its me " I said .

She didn't stop , I couldn't hit her . I tried dodging her hits but she was so fast . She pinned me against the wall , " you're weak , and you call yourself an alpha . " she spat out at me .

She extended her claws and dug them into my stomach , I gasped for air .

Pain surged through my body , " EMMA STOP YOU'RE KILLING HIM " Stiles yelled .

All she did was laugh , this wasn't her .

" Emma please , you love him remember . You are not this person . You are a shy nerdy nice girl , who fell in love with a werewolf then ..became one . You get the point . This isn't you , you are not killer ."he said .

I felt her claw leave my stomach , I dropped my knees.

"Where am I " she said .

She looked down at me , " oh my god what have I done " she said as she dropped to knees .

"It's okay , the man did something to you "

" I'm so sorry , This is my fault . I'm so sorry , I didn't mean to do this " she cried.

" shhhh it's okay " I said.

" no it's not , I should've fought harder ."she continued .

" hey , hey look at me this isn't your fault . Look I'm already healing . Let's just go home " I said , she sniffles and nodded her head .

We walked back to Stiles jeep .

She crawled into her bed , not saying a word .
" are you going to be okay ?" I asked sitting on her bed . She sat up and put her hand on my cheek and gave me a kiss . It was long and soft kiss .

After the she broke the kiss she whispered " I love you "

" I love you more " I said taking her hand into mine .

" can you stay with me " she asked .

"Anything for you my love " I said .

I took off my shoes , shirt and jeans , and crawled under the covers with her . She placed her head on my bare chest and wrapped her arm around me and fell asleep .

Later I fell asleep .






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