Bad Mistake

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“Zeila...” I heard someones voice call my name. “Wake up.” I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I see are Harry's green sparkling eyes starring at me. I gently rub my eyes in order to see more clearly.

“You're finally awake.” he smiles and for a moment he seems like an angel. I can't ignore the sudden peace of mind I feel in this moment. This is the way I'm suppose to feel every time I wake up and up until now it was never that way. I'm fine with the thought of waking up every morning having Harry laying next to me.

“Good morning.” I say and scoot closer to him. I want to cherish this moment and hold onto it for as long as I can. He stares at me and I know that look. He's fighting with himself over something. I don't know what but every time we're this close and happy he seems to have that look, as if he's suffering and battling with his thoughts.

Harry suddenly blinks and looks away. “I'm gonna go get ready for school.” he says and then gets up. Before I can even ask if he's okay Harry is out the window. I know somethings wrong but I find myself too afraid to ask.

I head downstairs as soon as I'm ready and then start preparing breakfast. My dad is still sleeping and my aunt is coming down the stairs once I'm setting up the table.

“Hey sweetie good morning.” she says. I wonder how she can manage to wake up early in such a great mood. The only reason I woke up great was because of Harry but I'm no morning person.

“Good morning.” I reply as she sits down and starts devouring the food. I look at the stairs and wait for my dad to come down, but nothing. “I think I'm going to go wake up my dad.” I say and then walk towards the stairs. Immediately my aunt gets up from the stairs and runs after me.

“Oh no don't worry he told me he wanted to sleep for a bit longer.” she says while trying to catch her breath. Somethings weird about this entire situation.

“But he's gonna be late for work.” I say and she seems alert and nervous.

“Uh... Well he called to inform them he would be late.” she said smiling at me a bit too hard.

“Okay, alright. If you say so.” I went back to my seat and started eating. In the back of my mind I was trying to figure out what exactly was going on, but I just couldn't figure it out. My aunt tried making conversation but I was just so lost in thought I wasn't paying attention.

Harry's POV:

As soon as I got in through the window I ran to get my phone. I dialed Josh's number, it took a while before he answered. “Harry whats up?”

“Josh I'm forgetting!” I began to panic. I was pacing back and forth trying to find the right words not bothering to check if anyone was listening.

“I told you man. I told you that by doing this you were running the risk of forgetting why you even went down there in the first place. Just think back to your family and how much they suffered.” his words brought the memories back and I felt him, that old Harry slip back in.

“You're right. Thanks Josh I needed that.” I said and then hung up. I got into the shower and got ready for school. Once again I needed to keep my head focused, but this act I was putting was taking over me and was turning into my reality, that was dangerous. I just needed to keep this up for a while longer and then once the right time comes things will change.

Zeila's POV:

“Okay I'm off to school.”I kissed my aunt on the cheek and headed out the door.

Harry was just coming out of his house as well and we began walking together to school. We sometimes walked home but lately we had taken his car. It was nice to walk hand in hand feeling the fresh wind blow through my hair.

“Last week of school and it's almost Christmas, any plans?” Harry asked as we crossed the street.

“Uh.. Well not really. I mean before my dad was never home so I would just be stuck home alone but now that he's changed and aunt Alyssa is here maybe things will be different. What about you, got any plans?” I ask.

“Not really just thought of staying home, my moms going to be working so I'm not planning on making the long drive to New York.” he explains.

“Well since you're staying here. If you want... maybe we c-could you know- Uh “ I was stuttering like an idiot. “Ss- spent it to-together!”

“You're so cute when you're nervous.” he laughs and I feel embarrassed. “But I accept your invitation.”

I nod and smile not wanting to say anything else. He squeezes my hand and when I look away I suddenly stop walking. Harry's hand is pulled back by my sudden grip.

We had never taken this path to school before but now standing here in front of Max's house, it feels like an old memory. As if I was looking into the life of an old me. The Zeila I use to be would avoid this at every cost but now I feel as if I'm letting go. I can breath normally as I stand here and watch this place. My heart doesn't ache anymore. In a way it's sad, sad to let go of someone who once meant so much to me.

“You still love him.” Harry says and its more like a statement rather than a question. I turn to look at him.

“Harry you have to understand he was my first love, and I can't help but to keep this small place for him in my heart. But what I'm realizing is that I'm letting go, of him and the memories that come attached. Right now its you who is taking over my heart.” I place my hand against his cheek “It's you that I-”

I stop myself from continuing. The words seem to just want and come out and my heart seems so beat faster than ever. Its love, I know it is. But there is something in my head stopping me from saying them, warning me not to continue. This never happened with Max. Its not that I'm scared of being hurt because I'm not I got over that fear when I started dating Harry, its something else and I get the chills every time I think about it.

“You what?” he seems eager to hear what I was going to say and I try to work my way out of this. My head is working its way to find something else to say but I want to say those words to lighten his heart and let him know that I'm finally sure of how I feel.

“I l-love” I finally manage to say and I hear my mind saying “Big Mistake!” but I ignore it.

There is no way I can take them back and I really don't want to. I'm happy that I finally said them. I didn't expect it to be this soon, but what can you do when you know it you just know.

“Zeila-” his eyes open wide and glow he pulls me in and our lips collide instantly. He slowly pulls away and plays with a strand of my hair “You don't know how you make me feel just by saying those words.”

He pulled me close until my head rested against his chest. I was always able to tell every bit of detail from a person or in their actions. So I knew that right now as Harry held me tighter than he ever had there was a reason behind it, a reason only he knew. But to me it seemed as if he was afraid of letting me go, but why?


Short Chapter Sorry: but let me know what you think so far?

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