Chapter 1

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'Why ME!!!'

I always find myself in horrible situations. Falling in public already wearing a dress is embarrassing enough.... NOW being surrounded by two drunk guys asking me out to drink, now I have entered the worst day EVER....

" thanks I don't drink... If you'll excuse me" I tried to pass through but I end up being pinned up against the wall. I am SCARED!

"aww come one babe you will have a good time with us..." he sends his stinky breath all on my face... It is disgusting...

"I have school no thank you..." I try to find a way out but it is NO USE!! I always take a dark alley to get to my new home x.x I found it as a shortcut, but now I am DEEPLY regretting it...

"Ahhh! A little -hiccup- school girl -hiccup- well isn't that good for us... A lovely---school girl" makes me look at him... I am freaking because they are practically undressing me with their eyes... I may be clumsy but I can read a man... and aghhhh they might rape me if I can't think a way-out DX

"If you guys don't let me go...I ---am going to scream" I start to struggle, but the grip on my wrist tightens. Ouch.

"You scream that will be the last -hiccup- thing you will say" he pulls his knife out and I know I am screwed.... The other guy is just keeping an eye out. Please omg some help...

I decide to take my chances and I kneed him where it hurts... HARD! I see him fall and I take my chance I run with all my might. I hear them behind me, but I end up tripping like I ALWAYS DO!! And well, what happened you ask yourself....

I see the asshole above me and I am done for... I see him raise his hand and I brace myself for the hit... but....


I felt the body that was above me be lifted and well I open my eyes to see.... A man... who snaps the bastards neck.... I stay frozen... he was wearing a black coat, but his face was still visable.

He then turns to face me and my heart 'skipped a beat' The man stares at me with an 'amazing' gaze... I am so captivated by those eyes... 'Red eyes'

I know he just killed someone but... I am not scared of the man in front of me. I mean, if it hadn't been for him I would be dead... I owe him one.

His eyes changed from a blood red to a 'calm' captivating dark brown... Okay that is not normal.... But I am not freaking out... I am curious. I see him look at me with a worried look, but just as he arrived I see him run and he disappeared...

"Wait..." I stand up and look around the alley.

"I didn't get to say thank you"

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