An Old Friend

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AN: Please feel free to give feedback and tips. Not sure how this will turn out yet, but I'm just going to go with it for awhile.

Master Plo Koon walked the streets of Nar Shaddaa with Commander Wolffe by his side. It wasn't his favorite place in the galaxy and he hoped he would find his target soon. "General," Wolffe said looking around, "how are we supposed to find this person here?" She wasn't hard to miss, when she wanted to be found. Wolffe didn't even know what species to be looking for. "We will just have to hope she is at her usual cantina." The Jedi said with a sigh. The near-human rarely left Glee Anselm these days but when she did it was hard to find her, unless she ended up on the Smuggler's Moon.

The pair walked into a cantina and looked around. Sure enough there was a woman sitting at the bar that somewhat stuck out from the others. From behind Wolffe could see the green head tentacles peeking out from underneath brown hair. "That's her." Master Plo said walking up to her. She was listening to a twi'lek talk about some adventure he had been on, though it didn't appear that she was listening too intently.

"Zith, you are a very hard woman to find." Master Plo said staring at the back of her head.

"Yeah, my fingers started to get a bit to wrinkly in the water." Zith said with a laugh.

"I imagine so." He said with a chuckle.

Zith looked around the room and spotted the twi'lek male she had been previously been talking to. He was at a table with a few women and had a beer sitting in front of him. She held her hand up and used the Force to pull it towards her, then gulped it down.

"Drink a lot?" Wolffe asked raising an eyebrow.

She laughed, "Like a fish."

Zith sighed and looked down at her empty glass, there were quite a few in front of her. She knew he wasn't there to joke and have a casual conversation with her. The near-human turned on her bar stool to face the pair and crossed her arms. "Let's get this over with." She said flatly. "You are going to try and convince me to come with you, I'm going to argue with you, and then I'm going to run out and you won't find me for another year or more."

"You are part of Death Watch." Wolffe said bluntly, "and they have been causing some trouble."

"If that is a joke, it isn't very funny." She said glaring at him. "I am half Mandolorian, and I am part of a group that left Mandalore, but I am not in Death Watch. Got it?"

Wolffe raised an eybrow, "Really? What are you part of?" He asked crossing his arms.

"That's complicated." She mumbled.

Zith's grandfather left Mandalore with a few followers, mostly family and close friends, to continue with their warrior ways. He made a promise to help Duchess Satine if she ever needed it though and he respected her decisions, even if he didn't agree with her. The location of their settlement was unknown to most people and they mostly kept to themselves. Zith had left a few years ago when her grandfather was challenged to a duel and was killed by a young upstart. She suspected foul play but had no way to prove it and left.

"They wear the same armor as you do," Master Plo said gently, "and they have been causing trouble on Tatooine."

Zith cursed under her breath and slammed the glass on the bar, shattering it. The bartender glared at her and she attempted an innocent, toothy grin. "Sorry," she said handing him a few credits for the broken glass.

Wolffe sighed, "We could really use another Jedi for-" "I am no Jedi." Zith clarified.

"I am no good with a sword or lightsaber. Blaster pistols," she said patting the ones on her thighs, "grenades, hand to hand combat, hidden blades, staves, and poison darts, explosive darts, you get the idea." She said and noticed a different dart on her belt. Not really knowing what it did or when she got it, Zith slipped it onto her wrist and aimed it at a trandoshan across the room before firing into his behind. The poor reptilian humanoid let our a shriek and glared at Zith. "Sorry Nriviss, I had to test it out!" She yelled and flashed him a big grin. "You could have killed me!" He hissed. "I will get you back for that!" Zith chuckled uneasily and looked back to Master Plo.

"Please focus, we really could use your help. Maybe you can reason with them." Master Plo insisted. "We have been at a standstill with them."

She thought for a moment. "They might not even be the same people, but I will come along and help."

"Thank you," Master Plo said and turned away. "We leave now."

Zith paid for her drinks and replaced the beer she took from her twi'lek friend and followed Master Plo and Wolffe out of the cantina. She hoped that these Mandalorians were not the people she had grown up with.

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