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After lunch I went to my fifth hour class. I sat there while the teacher went on about the acts. I quietly sat and drew a picture. The wolf that I tried to draw was terrible.

Sixth hour I did my work as quietly as possible. Alpha was gone today, figures, the only person I talk to. It's not much mind you.

"Rilee what is the answer to question three." Shit I just got called out on stuff I don't know yet. I can't really do the reading at home because I'm doing so much other work.

"Well, since you don't study you don't really know do you? Well Jasmine please answer the question." I could feel the anger. I hurt a lot and I'm doing the best I can. I shoved my things in my bag and logged out of the online program that he teaches over. I stood up, finally not caring. He doesn't know me, or my story. I carefully put the computer up and grabbed my bag.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked. To wolf this out.

"To the counselor's office." I said quietly. I can't do this anymore. I have been slacking but he doesn't understand. No one really does. I walked out with my head held up high for once in my miserable life. I went up the stairs and went to the office. Since the school is set up for wolves they let us take a "breather", and I need one, right now.

The lady at the front desk nodded when I asked for a pass and she opened the door so I could walk the 100 yards to the wooded area around the school. I went deep enough in to a small clearing where I usually changed. My clothes melted away replaced by my fur. Long and red just as my actual hair. I was about half of the size of a regular wolf in my pack.

I finally went ballistic and ran at a tree I pushed it and it toppled over I then went to three more and did the same. Then I could sense Alpha. Standing there he had a voice of amusement "You okay there?" I was panting. I ignored him and changed back. My clothes from earlier replacing my fur as my bones cracked back to my human form. I did not dare look up and make eye contact, I wasn't worthy. That insufferable d-bag Jordan had made sure of it. He was the beta so I never cloud just tell him to shove it.

"That teacher is such an ass. I hate him so much, I don't care what he thinks I'm not entitled to his opinion." I growled lowly, and savagely.

"Okay but are you hiding? It's mating season for god's sake. You know that is against pack rules." He said in a reprimanding tone.

"No, it's cold." I lied quickly.

"Really? Wolves don't get cold."

"Well I'm a runt so I do get cold. Wether you believe it or not." I said with some actual authority.

"Fine and last thing, why do you refuse to make eye contact with me?" He asked, with earnest curiosity laced into his voice. I sighed and looked up right into his face.

"Because I am just a runt a weird, fat runt. I am not worthy enough to be in this pack."

"But none of that is true you are worthy enough to be in my pack, I promise."

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