Chapter Two: Running With the Dead

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Chapter Two

Rae's POV

It started three years ago. I had just turned twelve. The world I knew? It was just a memory now. Sneaking junk food, going to class, playing ball. None of that happened anymore. Hell, I was lucky if I went a day wihout smashing one of those dead fuckers' faces in.

'He sat in class silently minding his own business. Rae had never been on to pay attention in class. He would always stare out the window. On a normal day nothing would happen, but today wasn't exactly a normal day. Today a man was walking into the gate. Not through it. Into it. Over and over he'd back up and walk into the rusting iron bars. "Mr. Nakigawa!" Rae raised his hand, "What's that man doing?" he pointed at the person outside the window. The rest of the class stood curiously, and muttered about the strange man. "Class calm down! We are hear to learn! Not stare out the window!" Mr. Nakigawa helplessly tried to capture his class' attention. They watched as the principal  walked outside and up to the gate. He spoke to the man. Though the children could not understand his words, they knew he was angry by the deep shade of red that covered his face. Mr. Sakioma took another step towards the man. The man reached through the bars and tugged the principal by his shirt. The second he was close enough his mouth attached to the juncture where the neck meets the shoulder. Blood poured from the ghastly bite as Sakioma tried to pry himself from the mans grip. 

"M-mr. Nakagawa!" A young girl cried fearfully. "What is that man doing?!"

"Children please calm down! You're all safe inside the school. Everything will be allright!" Nakigawa uselessly tried to quiet the wildly disordered classroom. In the chaos Rae sneaked out the door. With his curiosity getting the better of him, he ran down the hall, passed the front office, and out to the heavy front door. He shoved the door open with a metallic clang and turned to the stranger and his principal. He watched as Sakioma struggled and screamed in agony. Suddenly the man released him. Sakioma fell limp and dropped to the ground. Rae stepped backwards slowly making his way back to the school. His heal smacked against a rock. He fell on the concrete sending him a dull throp in his bottom. His breath became jagged and irregular. He couldn't move.... Hell, he could barely make himself breath. "Mr. Sakioma...." he whispered as tears blurred his vision. Suddenly Sakioma had begun to moan and slightly twitch. "Mr. Sakioma?" The man slowly stood up. Rae sat on the ground observing. Sakioma's arms hung limply at his sides, swinging lightly with each staggered step. The gash on his shoulder oozed redish gray goo that dripped down the front of his white button-up shirt. He lifted his head to reveal dark circles under his gray lifeless eyes... He moaned and his jaw went slack. His tongue was a muted purple pink, and his gums were growing black... More redish gray goo seeped from his mouth. Rae scrambled to a standing position and ran inside. He bumped into a teacher. "Miss! Please! There's something wrong with the principal! Stop you cant go out there please help! We have to warn everyone!" 

"Young man why aren't you in class?" 

"That's not important!" He panicked. "Please! You have to help!" CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Sakioma had reached the door and was beating his head against the glass. The teachers eyes widened fearfully. "I told you! Now will you please help me!" She stood paralized with fear. He tugged on her sleave. "Please!" He screamed. CRACK! The glass was sure to break. "Please!" He pulled harder and sobbed. She dropped to her knees and stared at the cracking window. CRACK! CRACK! Rae gave one last tug before giving up. He heard the glass shatter and seconds later there was a loud shriek. He turned on instinct and saw Sakioma ravaging the young teachers side. Rae flinched at every agonized scream as the other students poured out of classrooms curiously. Rae turned and sprinted to the back wing. He skidded to a hault at the sports locker. He shoved the larger equiptment and ripped open the thin white closet doors. His breath staggered as he grabbed a long metal baseball bat and ran back out into the hall. All he saw were the mindless infected...

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