Chapter Four: Jealousy is One of the Seven Deadly Sins

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Chapter Four

Rae's POV

Pretty Boy has been staying with us for about a week now. "Hey Rae!" In that time he still hasn't learned to shut the hell up. His voice was a constant babble beside me. Occasionally I would get a few precious minutes alone...


This would not be one of times.

I turned swiftly and made my way down the opposite hall. "Ra~~e!" My scowl deepened with every syllable that left his mouth. "Rae! Wait up!" I growled and picked up my pace hoping he would get the picture. Unfortunately my actions weren't clear enough to get through his thick skull.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and heard the beginning of my name. I spun around, grabbed the hand that tapped me, pinned it behind his back, and pressed him against the cream colored wall. "Listen up Pretty Boy," I said directly into his ear, "I don't have the time or patience to put up with your rediculous rambling. Got it?" I gave him a shove and walked away before recieving an answer. Didn't he get it? I didn't want to spend any fucking time with him. I didn't want him to be here. He was an obligation that I was regrettably inclined to keep. "Hey Rae-"

"What do you want?!" I glared at the peppy blond westerner behind me. She placed her hands on her hips atop her dusky green cargo pants and raised a delicate eyebrow at me. "Little boy, I suggest you take a step back and get rid of that damn attitude." I took a deep breath and lowered my voice. "What is it Billy?" my words still dripped with anger.

Billy's eyes softened and she looked at me sympathetically. "What did Jesse do this time?" I looked up in surprize. My shocked face quickly returned to the angry state it normally was. My mouth formed a tight line, my cheeks flushed, and my eyes glowered at the innocent floor. "He won't fucking leave me alone. It's always 'Rae This' and 'Rae That'. Why can't he just keep his damn mouth shut and stop fucking bothering me! I never said I wanted to be his friend!" Throughout this rant my hands had formed closed fists (to the point where my nails dug lightly onto my palm), and my head had turned more towards the floor causing my dark brown hair to fall in front of my face.

"I didn't know I bothered you that much." My head jerked up at the sound of Pretty Boy's voice. He seemed overly interested in the corner of his shirt. His fingers twiddled with the end, and his light brown eyes stared at it sadly. He chewed on the inside of his cheek and took a deep breath before standing straight. "If I really bother you that much I'll leave you alone from now on." He turned determinedly and slumped down the empty hallway.

"Well that solves your problem." Billy patted my shoulder and began to speak. Unknowingly I ignored her words and zoned out. 'If it solved my problem then why do I feel worse than before...??'


Billy and I were making dinner for the kids when Prettty Boy rushed into the kitchen. Walking right passed me, he approached Billy and began having an animated (and whispered) conversation. Out of my peripheral vision I saw Billy's eyes widen. Pretty Boy nodded and walked back out. Billy returned to cutting vegetables while shaking her head disbeleivingly. Rather than give in to my curiosity I focused intently on the water I was boiling for pasta. I gnashed my teeth and spun around to face Billy. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Hmm?" she replied absentmindedly. I took a deep breath and repeated the question. She stopped what she was doing and looked up. "Well it really doesn't matter to you. Ya know. 'Cause you don't like Jesse anyway. If you don't like him then you really shouldn't want to know." I faced the stove and glared into the pot of water. 'You're right. I don't WANT know anymore. Now I NEED to know,' I thought to myself.


"BIlly! I need to talk to you really quick!" Jesse came bounding down the hall once again, and ran straight past me to Billy. I stood, huffed, and stalked down the hall.

Jesse's POV 

I turned in time to see a red-faced Rae stomping out of the living room with his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides. "What's wrong with him?" I asked Billy.

"Ahh don't get your panties in a bunch. The munchkin is just jealous." She waved it off with an air of indifference. My eyebrows scrunched together in bewilderment. "Jealous?"

She returned my confused stare with a 'Really?' look. She shook her head and sighed. "Anyways, what was it that you need to talk about?"

"No! Tell me what you meant by jealous!!" I grabbed her shoulder and shook.

"Easy boy! Hands off the rags!" she unclenched my hand a roughly pulled it off. "Respect little man!" She flattened out her white sleeve. I stared at her relentlessly. She took a deep breath and said "He's jealous 'cause you ain't talkin' to him anymore."


"Hello... Jesse...." I vaguely saw a hand wave in front of my face.

"Jesse." ...

"Boy if you don't stop your starin' Im'a have to smack you silly." 

"W-wait! Wait a minute! Why would RAE be jealous? He doesn't even like me. He thinks I'm annoying," I looked at her incredulously.

"Kid, he doesn't think you're annoyin'. He only thinks that he thinks you're annoyin'. In all reality he's just a bit flustered that you're around. Not too often we get new folk around here. That and Rae's not much of an open person. He doesn't like gettin' close to people. You hear me?" I nodded even though I didn't completely understand. 

"Hey," Billy's voice pulled me from my strange thoughts. I looked up skeptically. She returned my look with a look of her own. "Now listen here and listen good. Rae likes you, whether you want to admit it, or whether he wants to admit it. He. Likes. You. And I'm assumin' you fancy him as well."

"Well yea." I answered. She raised an eyebrow.


"You do know what I'm sayin by 'You fancy him as well,' right?" I stared at her intently. She stared blank faced right back at me.


She let out a frustrated puff of air and shook her head. "I mean that you like him as more than a friend you damn idiot." I blinked and narrowed my eyes confusedly. Her eyes filled with an unbelieving glare. "Boy, are you gay?"

  I blushed as my eyes widened and my mouth fell agape. So that's what she meant by 'like'...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2013 ⏰

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