Chapter Three: Escape From The Dead

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Authors Note: Howdy All! Just wanted to let ya know that Rest In Pieces got more votes than I Heart You You Haunt Me. as of eight hours ago when I checked in homeroom! So this story is the one I will update most often untill further notice! Thanks to all yall that voted! Now may we return to our beloved (potty mouthed -.- *really hates potty mouths other than her own*) little Rae Tagomi! 


Chapter Three

Rae's POV

I grabbed the guy's hand and tugged roughly. Apparently the ditz' mind hadn't registered what I just said (unless he was suicidal which I highly doubted) and stood frozen in front of me. I pulled uselessly one last time before yelling, "IF YOU DON'T MOVE NOW I'LL LEAVE YOUR DUMBASS TO BE EATEN!" His eyes widened and he hastily followed behind me. 'Finally!' I thought to myself. He seemed relatively fit, seeings as he could keep up with my fast pace. It may have been the fact that if he were too slow it would lead to his slow and painful demise, but I couldn't tell. I was always running to evade agonizing death so this made no difference from a normal week (aside from meeting a strange man with no shoes). I turned to assess our situation. Hundreds of grey-eyed decaying humans followed behind us. 'Shit!'  

I know what you're thinking. 'There dead! It's not like they can run very fast!' Well you're dead (no pun intended) wrong. These aren't your average run-of-the-mill horror movie zombies. These are Homo Copraphagus Somnambulus (a.k.a. humans infected with the Solanum virus). All of their senses besides hearing are dead. Gone. Kapoot. This makes them unable to feal pain or fatigue (allowing them to run long distances at break neck speeds), and their hearing is impeccable. There's no hiding from them. Even your own damn heartbeat gets 'em going. The disease kills all unnecessary parts of the brain. They have no thoughts what so ever, only the insatiable need to  feed on flesh. Now you can see why our situation might have been completely unpromising. Two regular (well, semi-regular) teenage boys against a band of flesh-eating machines. What do you think our odds were? 

"Billy! Start the car!" I saw her peak her head out of the window. 

"Shit boy! What have you gotten yourself into?!" she called before leaning into the drivers seat. I heard a dull roar as the engine switched on. "Your gonna hop into the back got it?!" I called behind me. He nodded his head rapidly. "Good! 'Cause that's my car and ain't no way in hell I'd let a complete stranger drive it." I swiftly yanked the rusted black door open, and hopped in. I waited for the dull clank of the back door before reving the engine and racing off in the opposite direction of the zombies. "Kid," I saw Billy lean over the back of her seat, "you're lucky you're cute. 'Cause if ya weren't I'd kick your ass from here to hell and back. Now what's your name?" 

"Jesse Saunders," he replied quietly. 

"Nice to meet ya Jesse. I'm Billy-May, but just call me Billy unless you want to be castrated." She reached over, to shake his hand I presume. 

"What's your name?" I huffed angerly  in response to his question. 

"Ahh don't mind him. He's really about as dangerous as teddy bear. That is, unless you're one of the finger snackers." 

"Finger snackers?" Boy this guy was an idiot. 

"You know, one of them undead people eaters? The ones that were chasin' ya?" 


"Yepp. Anyway, the boy that saved your ass?" she pointed at me. "His name's Rae." 

"Thank you Rae."

I sat silently, glaring out the front window. 

"He isn't very social is he?" Billy guffawed and nearly fell out of her seat. 

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