A Dark Turn Of Events

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(Authors note: Hi all. I'm back. Guess what?... Exams are over! I should have the chapters updated quicker then before but until then, Enjoy my latest chapter. Last time, we saw the Copper had told Tod about his unfortunate feelings towards the two of them being friends, Chief woke up and ran off into the night with Amos and Copper in pursuit of Tod. This is where the twist comes in.)

(PS: Sorry but my VCR mechine had played its last movie, so if some of the parts are off, please forgive me)

Chapter 3

The chase was intense, and took part all over the forest. Tod's small body and quick leg's gave him a speed and agility advantage, allowing him to keep the lead. Chief's vast knowledge and undeniable experience in the forest meant that he was mostly able to keep up. A high jump had became an obstacle that they both had to conquer. Tod knew he would be able to make it, but Chief, on the other hand, was not nearly as nimble or fit as he used to be. For the young fox, it was a matter of three quick and easy jumps to reach the top. For the Irish Wolfhound, it was a lot more time consuming, and after a good few seconds, he found himself on all four's as he charge after his quarry.

By the time Tod had the train tracks in sight, he had opened up a fairly big gap. His short celebration soon died as he remembered he had a new threat. This threat was none other then Amos Slade's new number one hunting dog, Copper. With Chiefs barking drawing nearer, Tod knew he had to disappear, and fast. So, without looking back, the fox turned left and vanished behind a pile of neatly stacked wood. It was mere seconds later when Chief ran past, unaware of the foxes detour.

As the sound of frantic barking was cast further and further, a panting Tod chanced a peek. He stuck his head out from the gap underneath the wood, and faced where Chief had ran. He was gone.

*sniff, sniff*

The sound broke his investigation. Once he realized that Copper had not run past, he pulled his head back in and waited. The sniffing drew closer and Tod became more anxious. Then, it happened. A set of four tan brown legs became visible. The legs were accompanied by Copper's face. His nose was planted to the ground and his eyes fixed on the path ahead. He continued to walk until he was out of sight, that is, only momentarily.

Tod soon caught sight of his old friend, only this time, Copper had caught sight of him too. The hounds face was stern, causing the fox to backtrack.

"Copper, Copper!" The hoarse voice of Amos Slade rang grasped the hounds attention. Copper swung his head around and saw that his master was fast approaching, the 410 shotgun still in hand. He turned to look down at Tod. The foxes sad, desperate expression seemed enough to make the bloodhound think twice about hunting his old best friend.

"Tod, I... I don' wanna see yea get killed"

"Track 'im down boy!" Amos shouted out.

Copper swung his head around momentarily. He shook his head as he deliberated on something. He had to do this for Tod. He may have destroyed their friendship, but he was not about to help and his friend . Turning to face the fox again, he said, "I... I'll let you go this one time."

Hastily, Copper ran passed a pile of wood and gave a long loud howl, signalling Amos of his misleading scent. "Don't lose him!" the old hunter shouted as he ran after the hound. The pair then disappeared into the forest.

Tod watched as the pair ran off, and found his cue to make a run for it. He climbed out from under the wood and swung round to make it to the tracks. The fox knew that it track ran past the Tweed farm, but he also knew it was out in the open. As he ran along the track, a grey figure jumped out from behind a rock. The growling grey figure was Chief.

(PS: This is where the AU starts)

"Hehe, I got yea this time," Chief said with a grin on his face. He inched closer, causing the fox to backtrack, "One whole year to finally get yea!"

"C-Come on, Chief. We-we can sort tis out without violence, can't we?" Tod said, fear evident in his voice. The only response he received was a low growl.

Just past the waters edge, a weird vibration stole Tod's attention. Chief didn't seem to notice, when the fox looked up, he saw a horrible sight. Bright lights came up behind Chief and an unmistakable clatter filled the air. It was a sign of a train.

"Chief! Look out!" Shouted Tod , but the arrogant Wolfhound thought of this as a diversion. He stood his ground.

Realizing that Chief wasn't about to move, Tod sprinted towards him and kicked him onto a nearby bridge and soon after felt something extremely hard hit his body at high speed. An excruciating pain swept through his body, as if he had fallen off Widow Tweed's barn roof onto a anvil. He found himself falling, with what felt like concrete knobs, hitting against his body as he rolled down the hill.

And then, darkness...

(Authors note: Please fave/follow or review. I have the next chapter set up, but I don't have the energy to do it now. but it should be up in about a week.)

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