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-Kelly's pov-

I arrived back at the mansion in time for dinner. "Welcome home child, will you be joining us for dinner?" Slenderman asked "looking" at me. "Yeah, what's on the menu tonight?" I asked giving him a small smile. If Slenderman could have smiled I think he would have, I probably worried him with refusing to eat
earlier. "Where did you go anyways Kelly, some of us were kinda fucking worried about you" Jeff said coming up beside me. "I just had to go take a breather, I've had something on my mind that's all I'm sorry if I worried you" I said faking a smile. I sat down at the table next to Jane and grabbed some of the chicken that was laid out. "How could you all start dinner without me!" Toby yelled as he walked into the kitchen. For the first time since well I could remember I got to see his face. His mouth guard was gone and the orange goggles that were always there hung loosely around his neck.  I could feel my cheeks heat up, Toby looked extremely handsome but he couldn't know that. I just looked down and silently ate my chicken. "D-do y-ou min-d-d if I sa-t h-h-ere Jane?" I quickly looked up to see Toby looking at Jane asking if he could sit in her chair...which was right next to me? "Sure things Tobes" she said smirking at me as if knowing I had a crush on him,I turned a greater shade of red. She moved out of her seat allowing Toby to take his place right next to me. His closeness made my heart skip a beat. "I se-e-e yo-ur e-e-e-ating a-again, is this beca-use you d-d-don't want a rep-eat of th-his aft-ernoon?" Toby asked looking directly at me. His charming and lovable eyes seemed to pierce me with a knowing gaze. I nodded my head yes as I looked down at my plate, I couldn't bear to look at him. For one I was sure my face was a bright red and second, I was just plainly embarrassed about what happened only a few hours before. "Wh-at's w-w-wrong Kelly, c-c-cat g-got y-y-your tongue" he teased me. I shrugged my shoulders still continuing to look down at my plate. I was trying to concentrate on my food praying to leave soon so I could escape from here. "A-a-any-one a-alive i-n t-t-t-there?" At this point Toby was poking my side which so happens to be extremely ticklish. I jumped and squealed while giggling a little bit. "Stop that!" I said looking straight at him. But he only smirked evilly  at me. "S-s-stay away!" I stuttered knowing fully well what that look meant, after all we were friends for a long time. "I'll g-g-give y-you  t-ten secoun-ds t-t-t-t-to run" Toby said with a sexy smirk that made my heart skip another beat. "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" I yelled as I took off in a random direction but not before I heard everyone burst out into fits of laughter. I smiled at this, I feel as if Toby was opening up to me a little more. "I'm c-c-coming for y-you!" Toby yelled in warning while with laughter in his voice.

A/N: Ello followers I hope you enjoyed the newest chapter tell me what did ya think? Anyways please comment, vote, and follow and if you want check out some of my other books which include some hetaliea.
Also check out my friends books Tachii.

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