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-Kelly's pov- 

Tomorrow was Saturday and I was jumping with nerves, what if Toby didn't like me? What if I completely destroy are friendship by this confession of feelings? I was walking around the mansion looking for Toby so we could hang out, but oddly enough I couldn't find him at all. I was told he was somewhere in the mansion but maybe everyone was wrong and he was outside killing or something. "O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-of cou-rse I d-d-don't li-ike K-k-k-k-kelly, s-s-s-she nothing bu-t a loser- Ca-a-a-a-an't you tell I'm just fa-king be-e-eing her friend so l-l-l-l-l-later on I c-c-can c-c-crush her t-tomorrow!" I stopped in my tracks when I heard Toby's voice. "That's a jackass move of you, she trusts you and you had her hopes up that you guys could rekindled what you lost three years ago" I heard Jeff speak up. All this time Toby had been using me? All for some sick entertainment. I felt my heart break as I instantly started to walk to opposite direction... I had no idea where my feet were taking me as I walked around aimlessly until I found myself facing Slenderman's door. I knocked on it knowing now what I had to do. I waited for him to sat come in before I pushed open the door. "I already know why your here child, but are your sure its what you want?" Slenderman asked as he stood up and approached me. "Yes, I can't stay here any more, Toby's just going to keep hurting me and I just can't take it please put me in a home away from here" I started to cry out loud. I didn't want to leave but I had to. It was the only way I would be able to let go of him, "Very well then child, I have a nice home for you everything is already paid off and i will even provide for you a bank account that will be updated biweekly and where your whereabouts  will only be known between us" Slenderman said as he let me leave the office. I wouldn't say where I was going in fact no one would even know I was gone until after the third day I've been "missing". I went to my room only to find Toby waiting at the door. "Hey Toby!" I forced a cheerful tone as I smiled at him, "w-w-where hav-e yo-o-ou b-b-b-b-b-been I've been looking for y-y-y-you every-where!" he said walking towards me. "Funny I've been doing the same! but you were like no where to be seen where have you been all this time?" I asked knowing very well where he had been. Confessing his undying hatred for me is where he was. "J-j-j-just ar-ound th-h-he halls anyways to-o-omorrow ni-i-ight cou-ld you meet me outside in the g-g-g-g-g-g-g-gardens?" he asked biting his lip. "Sure thing!" I said stepping closer to my door too bad i won't be here after tonight though so the jokes on you! "anyways see you tonight I'm going to take a nap okay?" I said faking a yawn. "O-o-okay see you to-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-omorrow then!" Toby said as he took off down the hall most likely going to get waffles or to bug Masky. If you only knew just how much I truly love you. I signed sadly as I closed the door and went to wait for night fall. 

A/N: Ello followers of this story I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next update! please vote, comment and follow thank you again for reading my story!

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