Chapter:2 new school

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The next day I was awaken to the sound moving trucks. Oh no its time i thought to myself. i ran downstairs to see moving people taking away my life. MOM!!! i yelled MOM yes kasumi what wrong she said with a worried face we leaving now why now i wanted to say bye to nana chan i wanted to spend the whole day with her and you're moving our things without any notice honey we tried to tell you but you ran up stairs so fast well be leaving in 10 minutes WHAT!!!!!! I ran out the door as fast i could in order to see my best friend one last time. I ran to the school knowing i would see her at early morning practice. As soon as i saw her i ran to her and gave her a big hug knocking us both on the ground k...kasumi what's wrong. nana chan I'm leaving in 10 minutes my people are assholes this is the last time i'll be able to see you she gave me a big hug next thing i hear is the horn to the moving truck. i turned around to see my dad telling me to come over. as i walked away i truned to yell i'll never forget you i promise.

Now that i think back I wish i had more time, we all have such little time on this earth.

Two long ass train rides later we made to tokyo

Wow look how big the city is kasumi mom said mhm i reply it's nice or whatever it doesn't matter anyway you're just throwing me away in some stuck up school. Now don't be like that, mom said im sure you'll have fun. Speaking of the school how about we take a tour of it now it'll be nice to see what you have to look foward to don't you think so. Do i have a choice? Nope my dad said bluntly and with a smile. Then let's go i guess.

As we arrived at the school my jaw drop to the floor at the gate are these 2 huge cherry blossom trees leading the way to the school. As we walk pass the gate there was a sighn on the tree which said
"Stop leaving and you will arrive
stop searching and you will see
stop running away and you will be found".

The fuck dose that mean? Throwing that to the back of my head we went in the school and the school dose live up to there name. With a huge exotic garden with spider lilies Panda lilies blue roses and rare trees just to name a few. We made our way into the school and set my eyes on the school uniforms boys wore a brown blazer with a red and black plaid tie ask the girls wore a long-sleeve plaid dress and both have the School logo with with a red heart with a crown which is weird ass hell. Eww mom look even the uniforms are all stuffy and lame.  You'll learn to love it she said.

    We made our way to the headmaster office. His office look like any other head master office a big room with a big desk with more books than the library's at my old school I bet there for show. Please have a seat he said welcome to Wonderland Academy thank you for choosing our school to attend I'm here to answer any questions that you may have.  I have one, can I go home? Kasumi behave yourself mom said.  Its quite alright many students are not on broad in the beginning, but sooner or later I would love for you to call this place home.  He gave me a creepy smile almost cynical. I'll keep my eye on him.  Here is a schedule of breaks and events.  He handed the paper to my parents.  Oh see look katsumi you get to come home 3 months.  WHAT!!!  I yelled 3 months I can't come home for three months. I know the change can get some getting use to, the headmaster said.  How about this I'll take you on a tour of our school. Oh that's a great idea. Dad said come on kasumi.

    As you walk through the campus I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched as something was lurking into the Shadows. I payed no mind to it than continue with the tour as you passed by the other students I notice how different we are,these kids was born with a silver spoon in their mouth I'm just a country girl I don't know how I'm supposed to do this for 3 months let alone the whole school year but as we pass each class I couldn't help but notice that the students was just staring at me like I was some foreign object for their entertainment or torture will they be friend or foe only time will tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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