Chapter: 1 Goodbye

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As I hear my alarm go off I wake up to greet another peaceful day. After getting ready for school I  head down stairs ohiyo mom, dad. Ohiyo Katsumi hurry up and eat breakfast or you'll be late for school, mom said. I looked at the time and it's almost 9 o clock oh gosh your right. I grab a piece of toast and head out in a rush. Wait we need to talk to you before you go mom yelled no time I  replayed and ran out the the door.

At the school

Wooh made it on time I  said as I  try to catch my breath they.....almost ......close the damn gate on me. I look around to see if I  can see my best friend  Nana chan I see her waving her hand trying to get my attention hey Nana chan what's up? Your cutting it pretty close today, yeah I replayed it's such a beautiful day today who wouldn't stop and smell the roses. You're to care free Katsumi why shouldn't I,we are at the prime of our youth we should enjoy it don't you think she smiled and said if you say so the bell rings and class started

Lunch time

Hey Nana lets go on the roof today. Sorry Katsumi I have practice at lunch. Oh... I forgot I said with a sad face god your captain is a real slave driver she smiled and said that how it is when you're in the tennis club but you wouldn't now Ms. President of the going home club. I laughed you're right. As I made my way on to the roof I  opened the door and a gust of wind blew at me and you can smell the sweet scent of cherry blossom in the air. I take a deep breath and ran to the highest part of the roof and saw the cherry blossoms petals dance in the wind it compiled me to do the same I dance along with the flow of the petals I  felt one with the world, this day could not get any better. That's what thought at the time.

After school

Bye Nana chan see you tomorrow she ran to me and gave me a big hug, bye-bye Katsumi I  hug her back just as hard what's wrong I asked you're acting like we're saying goodbye forever. She look at me one last time and ran to practice wait Nana. I don't know what's going on but i have a bad feeling.
As I walk home I  was suddenly reminded that my folks wanted to tell me something this morning i wonder is it link up with Nana chan. I walk in the to find my parent sitting formally at the on the living room what's  going on here Katsumi please sit my mom said. O....k I said with a confuse look on my face what's going on is it bad news did someone die? No no oh goodness no mom said we just want to tell you that your farther got a premonition at his job. I exhaled in relief you scared me their I  thought something bad happened congrats Dad as I  said I see a concern look on his face that's not all to the news sweetheart he said we'll be moving to Tokyo. My eyes widened in disbelief. You have to be joking right this can't be true. Im sorry dear said my mom this is a great opportunity for not just your father but for all of us. How is that a great opportunity for me I said cutting her off. My friends are here my life is here what about school. The new term just started dad said that's why we pick this time to move we have already inform the school today was your last. What I  said angrily was that why Nana look so sad. Look honey we already have everything prepare my dad reach under the table and pull out a pamphlet,this will be your new school. I look down at it and see that it says Wonderland Academy as i read I see that its a live on campus. Wait what not only are we moving but i can't even stay with you guys. So just fuck me huh?

Honey, mom we are doing this it for the best. I looked at the both of them and ran up stairs. I knew she would act this way.

I look in my room to see a room full of boxes. I fell knees no this is  to real, I  laid on my bed held my knees to my chest and thought about Nana I  have to txt her

Katsumi: so u knew

Nana: yeah I'm sorry i didn't tell you

Katusmi: we could have spent the whole day together

Nana: we have tomorrow right

I couldn't bring myself to tell her i can't say this was last time I  see her,it brought tears in my eyes

Nana: you there

Katsumi: yeah im here and yeah we'll have tomorrow

Nana: gn

Katsumi: gn

Sorry Nana I lied. That night i cried myself to sleep

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