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OMG ! 

I can't believe this is happening but I've got writters block with this book ! I tried to avoid it happening but it did...I'm gonna ask come questions that would maybe elp me do the next chapter so please answer them (:

1. Should Kam wake up or die? When I say die I mean there's no coming back from the dead nothing he dies and that's that...

2. Should I make Kharim and Aira slip up?

3. Should I make Kaydee and Nico get back together?

4. Should Paris get back with Jordan?

5. Shall I kill Monroe and Kira?

6. Should Michelle and Kaiden have another fling?

7. Should I bring Kimberly back into the lime light? Like I know I said they have her hostage but should she b about of the book like she was in the last one?


8. If you have any idea's please inbox me or just comment I seriously have crazy ass wirtters block ! 


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