Pretty little choirs

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Alexandra pov
I was in chorase class and we were all listining to verónica i was up next i wanted to try out for the solo this year phobe said i should go for it and that's why I am trying out but this is just practice she was still sining and I said "I cant Belive i have to follow her". We all claped and I claped very wierdly i say "i clap loud when i am nervous ". Phobe said "dont worry this is just practice ". Cherry said "real solo aduition arent intill Friday ".I said "yeah but she is a senior and she comes from a Long line of perfensionales "and cherry said "and you stud in a Long line of muffin so Theres that ". Than my teachers say "Alexandra avalanche  your up ". I go to the stan when the pion Starts Playing i was singing too young the song i wrote and I started "big lights people watching to Grow up before you know stop signs denied everyone tells me in gotta go slow and it's gonna......" Than i choked on something i took it out And it was a spit Ball  my teacher said "not bad Alexandra  but you need to work on not choking ". The bell rings i get my stuff and was about to leave and I said "look at this who would Throw a spit Ball at me". Than verónica said "i would ".I said "verónica why were sisters in song ".she said "i own the solo spot alex and I will stop at nothing to Choke on thattttttttt".and she singed 'that' phobe said "she dose have a nice voice " i looked worried and spencer and Maxs come and Maxs said "hey Guys did you hear about the girl who got Covered in spit Balls ". I turn around and Show than the spit Ball they said "oh ". And I left i hate this.

Phobe pov
I want alex to get the solo spot so i am thinking of a plan to get verónica to stop throwing spit Balls at her and i needed Maxs help i just want her to show her true talent to the world and verónica is proventing that she afraid that she will do bad but me and cherry Belive in her no matter what

Alexandra pov
I got home and saw my mom she said "how was your day sweety ". I said "not good verónica wants the solo spot and I want to try out for the solo spot and while i was practicing she threw a spit Ball in my mouth ". She said "well sweety just let it roll of your back ". I said "yeah like that would happen i will go up in my room ".

Next day
I thought maybe i should be nice to veronica so i got her a smothie i said "hey verónica  i know the presure of the Solo spot is getting to us i braught you a smothie ". I walked away were phobe and cherry i said "hey Guys i just let yesterday spit Ball roll of my back  V is now fan of the A ".and I Felt a Drink got poured on my back ugh veronica i said " v did that didn't she (turned around )you did not just do that ". She said "oh Sorry i did it on purpose you and Me are enamies so dont try to kiss up to me to get me to like you ".I said "oh it's on you ". I Tried to tackle her but i Felt Arms And it was spencer i said "spencer let me go ". He said "no you will tackle her and you will get in trouble ".He than caries me out of the hall way.

Phobe pov
I had to do something that was very embaressing i Felt bad i need a plan so i had to Talk to maxs and have alex on with the Plan to get her back at what she did to alex the Plan was we had to make verónica fail her next Quiz assament.

Alexandra pov
Phobe told me we should get back at veronica so we did it was the end of the day and I was with maxs phobe up at the stairs Maxs said "thats verónicas math need help me Put this amble on him". I said "it's just evan we can handle him ".we walked were evan was phobe said "hey evan arent you in charge of the eguan in the science lab ". He said "yes why ". I said "we Herd her eggs are hatching ". He closed the book and said "daddy coming ".Maxs comes don and phobe said "okay now turn veronica into moronica  ". We dont laugh and she say "got it no puns in the Dark side ".verónica comes and we hide behind the stairs so she dosent he was about to leave with maxs intill he gives us a thumbs up and we leave i really like the Dark side a Little.

Next day
Me,phobe and cherry were waiting outside verónica class room and cherry said "we already had math today phobe and alex why are we waiting outside the class ".I say "becuase when verónica gets an on her homework i get to watch her kicken out of the choir". The bell rung and veronica came to Talk to her Crew and she said "hey girls guess who gets to stay in cwer cause they got an A ".we squelled and than Noticed and I said "an A ".verónica said "and guess who did my homework my new boyfriend ".I said "new boyfriend ".than maxs said "i found your back packs in the libary babe ". I said "babe ". I was a Little jelouse but no I cant be becuase i have a boyfriend already.thsn verónica say "thanks Maxs Sweatest boyfriend ever". Sining the 'ever'. And touching his nose i get so upset and Run to the bathroom i knew i should have shows my talent now verónica hates me and i will never been asked talented as her.

Phobe  pov
I was so upset with maxs that i Herd alex cry in the bathroom Stall i wonder why when she came out here eyes  were all Red and it was the end of the day ugh i hat Maxs right now but  i know alex has this amazing talent that she needs to Share.and i found out that veronica had Other boyfriend so me and alex will teach Maxs a lessons tomorrow and she thought this was more inportent so yeah it time to get some pay back.

Alexandra pov
Me and phobe Texted the nerd seconed in one place and we saw Maxs see them and He went to Talk to them we walked like we didn't see anything and Maxs said "why do i get the feeling that you 2 tutered me ".i said "it was the only way to get you to Belive how horrible she is ".Maxs said "so your willing to help me  after i betrayed both of you ". Phobe said "of course your my brother ". Than he said "thats very nice ". I hear his phone Ring and He say to me "hey isent your aduition right now ". Phobe said "awe your Put her Audition on your phone ". He said "Actualy this is a reminder that to wish verónica of beting you Alexa wiat your missing your aduition to help me ". I said "yeah this is more important". Maxs said "Alexa enogh of being nice and beat the girl that broke my heart ". He sanged 'hart ' and phobe said "snap out of it wensday ". I went Running to my class room and I saw the teacher and I said "wait i am here to Audition". Verónica said "um Sorry alex aduition end at 4:00 ". I move the clock with my Telekinese and nobody saw that i think and I said "but the clock say "but the clock say it is 3:58 ".verónica say "what how did that happen ". Than my teachers say "you got 2 mintues to dazle me  than i will make my disetion". I get the microphone and the pion Starts and I start sining :

When verónica wanted to Throw something on Me it would back fire becuase i know how Maxs and phobe were using there powers for me i was happy i have friend like them when i was Done the teacher said "after hearing all of the auditions. I picked the Solo and It gose to Alex ".I Smile  and veronica said "what ". She had pie all Over her face and cherry came to give me a Hug i showed my talent i we went to a hall way and I got my stuff to leave i saw Maxs and I went up to him and said "thanks Maxs for Being there i really glad we met ". He said "me too ". And I Kissed his cheek.and walked to my house.

Count of words ;1505
Happy thanks giving and who went to black Friday today i live in Pennsylvania so yeah I just came back from it and I am so it took me a while to Wright this will good night Guys it's 11:20 were i live

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