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Victoria's POV
Well. First day of school is always a charm right?

I've always had bad luck with the first day of school. Mostly because.. well.. it's me I guess.

In 6th grade, I went to lunch and I spilt my grape juice all over myself, including my new school supplies, staining me purple basically.

And in 8th grade.. well.. lets say it was nothing like a simple mistake like in 6th grade.

My father died of a heart transplant gone wrong. He died right there before my eyes. My mother picked me up early on the first day and we drove as fast as we could, but we were there no more then 5 minutes before he was gone.

Even though this is my conscious.. it's still hard to think about. Even though I wasn't very close to my dad, I still think I could have done something. But that was beyond my power. Still is.

Days later, after the funeral, my mom became a drunk real quick. She thought that if she drank so much, she would forget about everything.
Which still hasn't worked.

It got to the point where I would open my bedroom door and there would be wine and whiskey bottles down the hall, leading into the hallway and leaving a trail to her bedroom door, which most likely is where she is passed out.

Soon enough, it became a routine.

Enough of that story.. let's see what the first day of school has in store for us.. shall we?

I throw on a pair of dark denim jeggings and a gray sweater. It gets quite chilly outside, even though it's spring.

I slide my black flats on my small feet and I walk into the bathroom, brushing my dark brown locks and applying a bit of mascara to my eyes.

I walk past my mothers room and I decide not to disturb her, so I walk straight downstairs. I find my book bag and I set it on the ground, while I walk into the kitchen to make some breakfast, without tripping over those bottles.
I pick up some bottles from the ground and I set them on the counter, waiting for my toast to spring out so I can spread some Nutella across it. Mmmm.. my favorite. After the Nutella is spread, I take a bite out of it slowly. I swear, I could represent Nutella in a commercial and be one of those models who eats and gets paid.

I finish up just as I'm walking out the door and sliding into my dad's old car, kind of old fashioned, but it gets me places. I drive off to school, checking the time every once in a while.

I eventually find a parking spot.

Thank the lord.

Do you know how hard it is? To find a parking spot?
Very hard.

I grab my bag from the back seat and I lock the car as I walk off towards the school doors until I hear someone calling my name.


I turn around to see my best friend Lauren running towards me at 80 miles an hour until she finally collides with me.

"I MISSED YOU!!" She yells, basically until my ears pop.

I just laugh.

"I MISSED YOU TOO LAUREN!" I scream, mocking her loud scream.

"Excited for the first day of school?"

"Not really." I say.

"Well, I wanna see if Quinn's changed. Everybody keeps saying he's gotten more handsome, but he already was gorgeous, so I don't believe it." Lauren says, making googly eyes as she thinks.

Quinn Milo.
The schools bad boy, so they say.
Arrogant. Cares about nothing but his looks. But manages to drive girls absolutely crazy.

He could make panties fall by that movie star smile of his.

But not for me.

Lauren thinks I'm crazy for not liking him, he's just too arrogant. Who would want someone who cares about himself more than you? Just doesn't make sense to me.

But I'll admit..
He is kinda gorgeous.

I immediately come back down from the clouds to see Lauren waving her hand in my face.

"You ready, chica?" She asks.
I just nod as we walk into the school.

There he is.

Standing right at the end of the hall, making out with some high school hooker probably.

I always hoped someone would knock some sense into him. I've resisted to be that someone.

I shrug it off and I walk straight to my new locker.

I struggle for a while to get used to my new combination, until someone gently pushes me aside, banging it open with there arm like in the movies.. I never thought that would work.

I end up meeting eyes with him.


It had to be him, really?

"Uh thanks." I manage to say, swaying it open and hanging my book bag inside.

"No problem, sweet heart." He walks away. Probably to go make out with some other girl, who knows?

But did he just call me sweet heart? I obviously knew it wasn't genuine, but it still irritates me. Whatever.

I shrug it off and I grab my books, checking my schedule for first period.

"Algebra. Seriously? First period?" I moan to myself. I've always sucked at math, but algebra is even worse.

"Well this day is off to a great start."
I groan sarcastically, walking to first period Algebra.

Whatcha think? I know it's only the first chapter, but I hope for them to be better in the future. Comment what you think, no hate please. :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2017 ⏰

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