If joins the team.

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Gohan compa and Neptune wake up after falling down the hole and saw that there in a cave.

Gohan: where are we?

Neptune: I'm not sure.

Compa: gogo nepnep are you ok?

Gohan: were fine.

A male voice started talking to them through there minds.

???: Gohan Can you hear me?

Gohan: dad?

Goku: yeah its me.

Neptune: your dads a voice in our heads?

Goku: no. I'm using king kais power to talk to you.

King kai: yeah but do you think you Can hurry up? This hurts.

Goku: OK sorry king kai. So gohan how you doing?

Gohan: good i just fell down a hole. Nothing new.

Goku: great.

King kai: your doing this on porpoise.

Gohan: you know us So well.

Neptune: sorry but i have to ask. Whats your name?

Goku: my names Goku.

Compa: So your gogo's dad?

Goku looked comfused.

Goku: gogo?

Neptune: she calls everyone by a nickname like Gohan's is gogo and mine is nepnep. 

Goku: can I have a nickname two?

Compa: ok. how about gokey.

Goku: gokey?

gohan laughed a lot.

Goku: shut it gogo.

gohan: alright gokey.

just then a girl ran in to gohan and they both fell over.

gohan: are you ok?

???: I'm fine thanks.

Neptune: who are you anyway.

???: my name is if nice to meet ya.

Neptune: my names Neptune nice to meet you iffy.

if: iffy?

gohan: don't question it.my names gohan by the way.

if: nice to meet ya.

gohan: so what are you doing here anyway?   

If: just came to look at this cave.

Neptune: well were kinder lost. do you know the way out?

if: sure follow me.

they start walking until an old lady came out of nowhere.

old lady: ha ha ha I found you Neptune!!!

Neptune: sorry old lady I don't know you.

old lady: how dear you call me an old lady!!!!!!!

Compa: maybe you do know her nepnep.

Neptune: nope I would remember someone as old as her.

if: your right I mean look at the cloths she wearing.

Compa: and that make up.

Gohan: and her wrinkles.

old lady: my name arfoire!!!!

Gohan: so your a bad guy?

old lady: why dose hearing my name makes you think I'm the bad guy?

Gohan: most bad guys I know are old people.

Neptune: makes sense.

Compa: indeed it dose.

if: yep.

old lady: shut up!!!! I here to take your power Neptune!

Neptune: my power?

old lady: but first I'm going to beat you!

the old lady fires an energy blast at them it hits Compa knocking her down.

Neptune transforms and try's to attack her but missis her. the old lady hits Neptune with her staff knocking her out of her transformed state. gohan turns super saiyan witch surprises the old lady.

old lady: what is this form?

gohan: its called super saiyan.

old lady: super saiyan?

gohan powers up to ssj 2.

gohan: and this is super saiyan 2. now I'm going to go one step further.

gohan powers up until his hair turn's a red fire like aura apired around him.

gohan powers up until his hair turn's a red fire like aura apired around him

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gohan: and this is super saiyan god.

old lady: super saiyan god?

if: woah that's amazing!

compa: yeah this is the first time I seen gogo use this form.

Neptune: so this is his god power.

gohan: any last words before I tear you apart like a Mr potato head?

old lady: do you really think you can beat me? 

she try's to hit gohan with her staff but he caches it. 

gohan: yes.

he blasts her with a ki blast.

old lady: damn it.

gohan: you done?

old lady: far from it. I'll just take your power first.

she fires a beam of light at gohan but Compa jumped in the way and took the hit. 

gohan: Compa are you ok.

Compa: I'm alright gogo I just wanted to help.

old lady: damn it gogo how are you so strong!?

if: wait did she just call gohan gogo?

Neptune: she must have copied Compa's personality.

old lady: damn it you haven't seen the last of me!!

she disappeared.

gohan started to breath heavily and passed out and losing his god form. 

if: is he ok?

Compa: he's fine just tired.

Neptune: wait how is he tired? he didn't get hit.

if: its probable his god form that tired him out.

Neptune: gohan is so strong.

if: shouldn't we get him to a bed?

Compa: we can take him back to my house we can rest there.

Neptune: ok and maybe we could get him some pudding for when he wakes up.   

they took gohan to Compa's house and lay him in her bed.

end of chapter.     

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