After we left school on Friday we got on the bus and we went to my house. We played fighting games and mooncraft. Then my mom told us that we had to go to the outside world. We're all the normal people are. It was hard to keep are secret because everyone in our town knew about us. Since me and my brothers are still trying to control are power's. We can manipulate the elements we can't help to try to make something grow and when lindy sees a dog she gets scared. Because there normal dogs they will attack a cat like her. She is always in cat from when we are in the normal world and they don't know the difference between a werecat and a normal cat like the dogs in are town. When we past the dogs they since her and start barking like mad. It drives me crazy but it's worth it to have a friend like her. She is loyal like the cat she is well like the werecat she is.
The life of immortals
Vampirea vampire trying to get through the world with her best friend lindy