A Reason to Celebrate

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I apologize for the long absence of updates for this story. I was a little more focused on the other one only because I knew that this is ending and I was just very reluctant to end it. I dont' know how other writers feel, but I speak for myself when I say that each character I write about, becomes a huge part of my life. They revolve around my head and sometimes they even come out to say hi, lol. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I've fallen inlove with Joan and Nico and I wanted them to remain with me always. Hence, ending their story makes me a little sad.

But, like they say, all good things must come to an end. SO! Let's take this ride to the end of the station together.

Strong and suggestive language used. I apologize for grammatical errors. I was literally crying while writing this chapter.


Joan was busy talking on the phone with Maine while Nicolas was driving like a madman to the hospital. According to Maine, there is a process to follow to make sure if her water was really broken. And if her bag of water was broken, then another process would be followed. Since Joan's not really in labour, they will be given a choice if they want to go home for 12 hours and give her body a chance to go into labour on it's own or to start the Oxytocin drip for induction of labour. 

They got to the hospital and was directly taken into the triage area of FBU. Joan was placed on the electronic fetal monitor for a non-stress test (NST) as was the standard procedure for anyone that comes in through the FBU triage doors. After 20 minutes, the monitor was discontinued by one of the triage nurses named Marianne. She looked at the tracing and asked.

"Are you feeling these contractions?"

"Wait, what? I'm contracting?" Joan asked puzzled.

"Well, yeah. It looks like you're having 4-5 contractions in 10 minutes."

"Huh. I don't feel anything. Well, I feel some tightenings and there's the occasional painful ones but I thought they were just because baby was moving. Like this one I'm feeling now" Joan explained.

Marianne placed her hand on Joan's belly and was thoughtful as she looked at her watch. She spoke up after a minute and a half.

"Yap. That was definitely a contraction." Marianne remarked. "Let's wait for the OB on call to come and assess you and then we'll take it from there. She might perform a speculum exam to check if your water is really broken or not, because the nitrazine test I did earlier on your pad was negative or she just might do a vaginal exam" she added.

It was another 30 minutes before the OB on call came. She introduced herself as Dr. Gill.

"So, you thought your water broke?" Dr. Gill asked.

"Yeah. I stood up and there was quite a bit of leakage so I honestly thought my water was broken." Joan explained.

"What were you doing before this happened?" Dr. Gill inquired.

Joan and Nicolas looked at each other and and both of their faces turned red at exactly the same time. Good thing Dr. Gill was in the middle of reading Joan's prenatal history so she didn't see the identical embarrassed expressions on the couple's faces. "Oh hey, so Dr. Faulkerson is your doctor. I am actually locuming for him today" she added. After reviewing the NST, Dr. Gill looked at Joan and asked. "You're not feeling any of these contractions?"

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