What would you do for love?request#2

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This is a request for:Rawr1012
She came up with this amazing idea so all credit goes to her for it!

Kaiya was a very successful animator she even had the opportunity to work for disney! She's been working for disney for about three months now and she has the opportunity to go to ireland to help shoot a real life action film with some animated characters
The minute she got this opportunity she took it in a heart beat along the way she of course meets an adorkable green-headed youtuber and falls head over heels in love for him they started dating...

Kaiya's pov:

I wake up in my rented house. Which i knew ill be leaving soon but sean didnt know that and i didnt want to just leave him behind.

I get up and get dressed so i can go by his apartment to tell him.


Then i drive

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Then i drive. Along the way thinking of how i will tell him i have to go back to America.
God i know this'll break him apart especially since his last long distance relationship didnt play out too well either.

Soon i arrive at his door. My heart pounds as i think about how all of this could play out.
All the possible scenarios.

I knock on his door.

"Coming!" I here him call. Soon the door opens and i see his beautiful ocean blue eyes always filled with such joy and his heart warming smile seeing it just made my heart break knowing that soon that smile will fade and so will the excitement in his eyes.
"Hey babe." He gave me a kiss

I couldnt help but let a tear fall.

"Why are you crying, what happened?" Sean asked concerned. He brought me inside and sat me on the couch,

"Sean..i have to go back to america." I say choking on my words as i fall onto hus shoulder and cry.

He runs his fingers through my hair.

"Hey shhh look at me babe?" Sean said.

I wiped my tears and looked at him he placed his hand on my cheek.

"I knew this was gonna come and i love you we may not have been together for a long time but i know our love is strong we will make it i will come and visit you and vice versa ok?" He asked,

I smile. He wipes away my tears.

He gave me another kiss.

Three years later.....

I was in my room talking to sean on the phone.

"So how was work today?" Sean asked.

"Oh it was tiring but amazing. Im helping to animate cars 3 and im helping to animate toy story 7."

"Sounds like itll be cool can you tell me about some of the characters?"

"Actually i cant top secret info son!" I say jokingly.

He laughs"ok ok kaiya?"


"Do i ever tell you how much i love you?"


" do i ever tell you ow much i miss you when we are apart?"

"Do i ever tell you that i want to spend the rest of my life with you?"


"Well Tell me this have i ever asked you to marry me?"

"...no." i say covering my mouth.

"Go open your door."

I get up leaving the phone behind on my bed and dash for the door when i open my door there is sean on one knee with a ring in his hand.

" i cant stand the distance between us but it never stops me from loving you. So will you make me the happiest man to ever live by becoming my wife?"

"Yes!!" Sean gives me a big hug and then kisses me.

"Now i dont want to force anything on you so ive made a decision. You can live with me in ireland or i can move in with you."

"I want to go with you to ireland."

"What about your job?"

"Its kinda lost its thrill im tired of being child friendly." I say smiling.

"Well what do you have in mind."

"People like animations on youtube right?" I asked playfully knowing the answer. Sean had been begging me to make a animation channel.

He smiled and kissed me again.

They got married and lived happily ever after!!


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