
45 7 6

Dubai (UAE)

Burj Al Arab

16 04 2016

2050 hours

Poe sits down on a lounge chair by the outside pool of the Burj Al Arab hotel with a Rum and Coke in one hand, and his iPad in the other.

He's been staying at the hotel for almost a week now, and he's quite pleased with what it has to offer. So far he's slept with three women he met at the hotel nightclub (which means he's finally out of his two-week drought-if he thought of fucking a certain blue eyed someone during all those times, well, no one needs to know), won nearly a hundred grand in poker in the casino on the third floor, and has been on a yacht party with Arabic billionaires.

Neither Alleline or Ricki have tried to contact him for the past six days, which probably means that there's no new lead in the case.

As he stares down at his iPad, trying (but not succeeding) to read the latest news on BBC, he thinks about going down to that night club later and pulling someone.

He stays by the pool one more hour until it's 10pm, when he finally gets up to leave and go up to his room.

After he takes a long shower, he dresses up in tight black skinny jeans, a white button up, and a pair of white sneakers he rarely even uses anymore.

There are already a few people at the nightclub taking up the dancefloor, and some sitting by the bar or at the tables.

Poe goes straight up to the bar, and sees that bartender who he fucked on the first night of being here. It's the first time he's seen her after that night, but he's glad to, because he knows he has at least one person he can take up to his room for sure. Judging by the look the bartender (Samantha? Jackie?) gives him, it's a done deal.

"Hello," Poe says and sits down right across from her with a smirk. "I'd like a-"

"Rum and Coke? The usual?" the girl asks in perfect English. She's from the USA but studying in Dubai for God knows what reason.

"How would you know my usual? You've only served me on my first day."

"That's all you've been drinking."

Poe smirks and leans over. "So you've been stalking me?"

"Oh, don't flatter yourself. I just noticed, that's all."

"Well then."

Samantha (thank God for her name tag) prepares his drink and then slides it over to him. Poe nods as a thank you and then turns around to scan the room. There's a girl looking over to him every once in a while, with long blonde hair and a black open neck dress. Poe likes her already.

He's about to turn around to talk to Sam when a voice interrupts him.

"Out of all the places in the world, this is where you chose to come for your holiday?"

Poe turns his head to look at Ryn. "Lovely seeing you here. But as far as I know, this is your first night here, and I've already been here a week. So I don't know who copied who."

"I didn't know Poe Rousseau would be one for visiting and enjoying one of the most expensive places on earth."

Poe cocks his head. "You said I'm an open book; apparently you're not as good as you say you are."

Ryn shakes. "Oh, I'm plenty good."

The suggestive tone in her voice gives Poe a little hint as to what she might be referring, but before Poe can lean in and ask about her stay so far, Sam interrupts them by asking Ryn what she'd like to drink.

And, okay. Poe completely forgot about her.

"I'd like a Scotch On The Rocks, please," Ryn says and smiles. It's the first time Poe's ever seen her properly doing that.

"Coming right up."

While Sam looks for the bottle, Ryn focuses back on Poe.

"So how's your week been?"

Poe shrugs. "Eh, pretty good. Been staying here ever since we got a break."

"Done anything interesting?"

"Not sure what you define as 'interesting'," Poe says, and then points at a girl he shagged on his third night. "Shagged that lady, though. Very fun."

"Oh. She looks like she could be rough in bed, don't you think?"

"She isn't. Such a noisy one, though."

Ryn raises her brows. "I wouldn't have taken you to lie that type."

"And why is that? You shouldn't judge people by their cover."

"Trust me, Rousseau, I know that."

Poe looks at her confused. "What do you mean?"


"Oh, come on. If you start something, the least you could do is finish it."

"You'll find out. Maybe. Eventually. Probably not."

Poe rolls his eyes and turns his entire body to look at Ryn. "What are you blabbering on about? Honestly. I can't understand a word you're saying."

"Poe, stop over thinking for once and have a drink."

"I am. You're usually the over thinker."

Ryn shakes her head as she raises her glass towards Poe. "You don't know me, Rousseau. Not even my last name."

"Oh really," Poe smirks, cocking his head and raising an eyebrow. "What if I do?"

"Find out my last name? Ha, good luck with that," Ryn snorts before she takes another sip.

"What if I do though?"

"What if you find out my last name," Ryn repeats in disbelief.

"Yeah. Will you tell me what you meant?" Poe leans in.

"By knowing not to judge a book by its cover?"

Poe nods. "And the whole 'me maybe eventually finding out' thing?"

Ryn ponders about it for a few seconds. "Hm...sure. Why the hell not? There's no way you're going to find out my last name anyway."

"Can you give me, like a hint? Where you're from or something?"

"No way. No hints. And no going to Ricki for help. I'll figure it out eventually."

Poe sighs. "Fine." He downs the rest of his drink. "Bring it on then."

Ryn raises her glass. "Bring it on." Then she downs his drink as well, before she turns around to properly scan the dancefloor.

Poe is about to ask her whether she'd like to dance (although he's not really sure whether Ryn is into dancing with him), but Ryn is one step ahead of him. She pushes herself off the bar and walks straight towards a guy, and pushes herself against him.

As much as Poe would like to focus on whatever Sam is saying to him, he can't. He can't, because Ryn is a few meters away from him, grinding on one of the hottest guys in the nightclub.

"I'm just...I'm going to go back to my room,"Poe says.

"Can't you wait one more hour? I finish my shift then."

Poe shakes his head and steps back. "I feel a bit sick. 'm just gonna head to bed."

Sam looks disappointed but nods nonetheless. "Sure. Hope you feel better. See you tomorrow."

And because he can feel Ryn watching him, Poe leans over the bar and places a kiss to Sam's lips. He pulls back and turns around, heading straight towards the door without looking back.

As soon as he gets to his room, he collapses on the bed.

Ryn Faudet has some kind of effect over him, and Poe doesn't like it at all. First of all because it's anything but professional, and second, because Ryn kills people for a living, not to mention the fact that she's got the attitude of a fucking prick.

And this might just be the best sleep Poe's had in a while. It's thanks to the insanely comfortable bed. That's it.

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