Chapter 6

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When Turtle opened his eyes the next morning, a face was looking at him from outside the hole. He rubbed his eyes. The face was still there.

"Wake up, silly." He heard Alissa's voice drift toward him. "You'll miss your flight."

Turtle trudged out of the cave. "Is it morning already?"

Alissa laughed and helped him climb onto her boat. It was early morning, so it was still pretty dark outside. The boat headed towards the shore near the street, where Aurora's carriage was waiting. The carriage picked him up and took him down the street. Apparently Cinderella had picked up Bluebell in her carriage, because she was waiting at the castle. On the other side of the castle, across the drawbridge, was the Squinkie Jet.

A pink octopus stepped off the jet. Turtle and Bluebell said goodbye to everyone, and then the octopus boarded them. They found empty seats and sat down. Then the plane took off. Turtle shifted around for a while and eventually fell asleep.

Bluebell nudged Turtle, who woke quickly. Looking out the window, he could see that the sun was starting to come up, staining the clouds orange, pink, and purple. He leaned back and stretched his legs. A voice cam over the intercom, telling everyone that the plane was about to land. The pressure in the cabin began to change.

About fifteen minutes later, Turtle stumbled off the plan with his basket, Bluebell right behind him. They turned around and took one last look at the purple jet. Then they walked through the flower-covered archway.

An ice cream truck was coming their way, but the music wasn't playing. Turtle and Bluebell watched as it approached. A little white duck hopped out and walked up to them. "Are you Turtle and Bluebell?"

They nodded.

"I'm here to escort you to the Squinkie Mansion," the duck said. "Please come with me."

Turtle and Bluebell climbed into the truck. The duck turned on the engine and pulled away from the curb. Turtle excitedly stared out of the window at the crowded streets. Cars and trucks drove alongside them, and Squinkies walked along the sidewalks. They passed several businesses: an aquarium, a dance studio, a café, a pet salon, a gymnastics studio, and a theater. Turtle wondered if it was the theater.

Finally, they pulled onto a residential street. Large houses lined the each side. At the end of the street on the left side there was a huge pink mansion. At the cul-de-sac there was an even bigger mansion: the Squinkie Mansion. Turtle and Bluebell stared in awe.

The truck pulled up to the curb, and Turtle and Bluebell got out. A green bird wearing purple flight goggles flew down the front walk to meet them.

"Pine!" Bluebell cried. She zoomed towards him, and he hugged her.

Turtle walked up the steps toward them. He and Pine hugged. "Hi, Turtle," Pine said, smiling. "It's been a long time."

A few animals came out into the yard: an orange cat with a blue visor, a raspberry-colored horse with a pale yellow mane and tail, a white rabbit, a little yellow hamster, a green frog with purple sunglasses, and a purple dog with pink ears. A white cat and yellow duck sat on a swing next to the fountain. In the aquarium, a blue fish swam around in excitement.

"Come on," Pine said, leading them into the house. "I'll show you around." They walked through the double doors. The carpet was soft, and a huge window overlooking the yard was placed on the back wall, right above a bed and nightstand. They turned left and walked into a large room with dozens of seats facing a gigantic screen. They walked through the room into a smaller, brightly colored room with a popcorn machine.

"Out there is the golf course." Pine said, pointing. Turtle looked out the window and saw miniature golf windmill sitting outside.

They walked up a narrow flight of stairs to another small room with a play pen. "The babies hang out here," Pine told them. They went into a room with a big yellow couch and fluffy cushions, through a blue-painted room with a table and chairs to a bathroom. Then they went up another flight of stairs to a small room with a mini circle-shaped couch. "This is the babies' lounge," Pine said. He led them through to an indoor playground that had a merry-go-round and see-saw animals. Then they went through a bedroom with a blue bunk bed and a large chest to a nursery. After another flight of narrow, winding stairs, they reached a large tower-like room with a curtain at the front window and pillows laid out at the back. Up to a lookout tower and then down to the attic they went, through the bell tower to the stargazing room with the telescope. Turtle and Bluebell were amazed at the size of the mansion.

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