The Date

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Late the next morning.....................

Bruce sighed as he sat up on the bed stretching. He rubbed his eyes and smelt something sweet.

He got up and put on some clothes noticing himself in the mirror. He blinked as he stared at the mirror in shock. He grabbed his chest as he felt big breast there.

So he did what any mm an would do in a situation like his. "ALFRED!!" She screamed in horror and The guys came busting in.

"I'M NAKED!" She yelled covering her breast. The guys turned away as Alfred walked in and gave her a robe. "Now Miss, how did you get here?" He asked and Bruce stared at him.

"'s me Bruce..." She said and Alfred blinked. "I think you're mistaken Miss." He replied and Bruce sighed. "You made me sing at a singing contest and I embarrassed myself when I puked all over the announcer." She replied as Alfred's eyes widened.

"Master....Bruce?!" He said and cleared his throat as he helped her up. "What happened to me?" She ask and Alfred stared and poked her as she glowed.

A bright light engulfed her and disappeared leaving a male Bruce in its wake. "Wow...another seems that now you can shape shift into a girl." Alfred said and Bruce sighed.

"Well at least I know that it's not permanent." He said as the guys turned around blushing. "D-did you see anything?" Bruce asked blushing lightly and Barry shook his head blushing.

"Well Bruce, we're going out, do you wanna come?" Clark asked and Bruce shook his head. "No thank you, but thanks for asking, have fun." He replied as they left.

"You can go too Alfred, don't have too much fun." Bruce said and Alfred smirked. "I'll try not to Master Bruce." He replied as he walked out the room.


Bruce walked out the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. He looked in the fridge and grabbed a container of strawberries.

He turned around and walked out the room bumping into someone that caught him. He looked up shocked at Yusei who looked at him.

"We just keep running into each other don't we?" Yusei said as Bruce blushed and pulled away. They stood there awkwardly and avoided eye contact.

Yusei sighed and grabbed Bruce's hand. "Listen, I was thinking that maybe we could hang out.." He trailed off as Bruce stared at him. "Umm...sure I guess." He replied pulling his hand away gently.

"Great, be ready at 2, okay?" He said as Bruce nodded. Bruce walked away smiling softly as he felt happiness sore through Yusei.


Yusei stood outside the house by the portal waiting for Bruce to come out. "I'm sorry! I got in a mess." He looked and saw Bruce running towards him in tight jeans, a blue button down and black tennis.

Bruce came up to him and held out a rubber band. "Could you put my hair up?" He asked and Yusei put his soft long hair up into a bun.

Bruce thanked him and looked at the portal. "We can stay here if you want, I always have a back up plan." Yusei said softly as Bruce looked down.

"No...let's go.." He said as Yusei grabbed his hand and they walked through appearing on a beautiful beach with a setting sun.

Bruce looked at Yusei who smiled leading him to a set up picnic spot. They both sat down and Bruce stared at the sunset.

" beautiful." He said breathlessly and Yusei smiled.
Yusei opened the basket and pulled out wine and a five star dinner with a candle light also.

He gave a plate to Bruce who smiled and thanked him and they both dug in. Bruce froze as he moaned in surprise at how delicious it tasted.

"You are a very great cook." He said as Yusei smiled and blushed. "Thanks, so are you." He replied and they stared at each other then turned away blushing.

Bruce looked at the sunset and got up kicking his shoes off and rolling up his pants legs. He pulled Yusei up and smiled excitedly.

"Come on, let's go play in the water!" He said as he ran toward the ocean laughing. Yusei smiled and ran after him quickly.

Bruce splashed water on him and Yusei glared at him. "Don't start nothing you can't finish Bruce." Yusei warned as Bruce stuck his tongue out at him diving under water.

Yusei dived under too and began to chase after him. They both came up laughing and splashing each other. "I win!" Bruce said as Yusei laughed. "Okay! Okay! I yield!" Yusei yelled as Bruce stopped smiling widely.

Yusei tackled Bruce onto the shore and Bruce laughed as he wiggled out of the hold. They chased each other until they got tired and fell on the sand.

Bruce looked up smiling softly as Yusei stared at him. "I'm having a great time... thank you for bringing me here Yusei." Bruce said yawning slightly.

"Are you tired?" Yusei asked softly and Bruce shook his head. "No...I'm fine." He replied as he yawned again.

He started to glow gold as the sun hit him and Yusei watched as he looked at him smiling. "It's a beautiful sunset isn't it!" He said and Yusei nodded staring at him.

He scooted closer to Bruce as Bruce watched the sun go down. " are." He said and Bruce looked at him blushing lightly. Yusei leaned closer and Bruce's breath hitched.

Yusei was about to kiss him until Bruce hissed holding his head. Yusei looked at him worriedly. "What's...wrong?" He asked softly as Bruce looked at him.

"Nothing...just a slight headache." He spoke as his face twisted up due to the pain. "Bruce are you sure you're okay?" Yusei asked as Bruce's eyes flashed and he gasped.

"Watch out!" Bruce said pushing him down. Yusei saw a ball of darkness fly over them as Bruce laid on his chest. "We have to get out of here!" Bruce yelled and they got up running as Bruce opened the portal.

Suddenly they were hit and Yusei fell down coughing. Bruce scrambled up and ran towards him putting up a forcefield as a dark monster started beating against it.

"Yusei! Get up please! You have to go now!" Bruce yelled as his eyes started glowing white. "No! I won't leave without you!" He yelled getting up.

"Yusei, you have to! Just go!" He yelled as sand started flying around him. "Bruce I will not leave without you!" Yusei yelled and Bruce looked at him smiling sadly.

"You have to...only one of us can make it out of here to warn the others...that person has to be you...if you don't go now...the portal will close and both of us will be at this monsters mercy." He replied and Yusei gritted his teeth angrily.

"I'll come back for you! I promise!" He yelled and Bruce's eyes welled up as tears started to flow. "I know you will, now go!" He yelled and Yusei ran towards the portal just in time to watch it close seeing Bruce looking back at him mouthing three words.

I love you.

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