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Sitting next to the hospital bed, I looked over. Holly looked terrible. Her head was almost bare of hair, having only a few patches which the doctors planned to soon shave off. A dark, almost black, bruise lied beneath her left eye while her right eye was covered in bandages. It was gone. Beneath those bandages wasn't an eye. No, she had lost it in the accident. Her pale, luminous skin was marked with minor cuts and a severe gash had invited itself upon her forehead. All of this damage...because of me. This is all my fucking fault because I had to be a dumbass that day. I sobbed and placed my head on the rail of her bed. The cold metal reminded me that this was reality. And I had caused it. One text. One text that changed everything. One text that may very well be the death of Holly. I stared bleakly at the floor and watched as my tears hit the floor. It all happened in slow motion. The tears would roll down until they hit my nose. Then, once it had collected enough to cause it to fall, it'd drip down and down and down. Until it hit the floor. This entranced me. My tears. When was the last time I cried? It had been years ago. The last I've cried was four years ago. My dog, Rover, was hit by a truck before I could stop him. I had screamed that day and yelled colorful insults at the couple who killed him. Then I broke down into tears. Hah, it's almost funny. It seems that I'm the cause of the pain of others. I mean, my mother left my dad when I was 5 because I told him of the affair she was having with his best friend. She hated me. No, despised is a better word for it. Later, she committed suicide from depression. All because her newly found lover had left her. Had I kept my mouth shut that day, I'd have a living mother whom loved me. Now I have an addicted alcoholic for a father. And I practically take care of myself. Except for the the past 6 days. Holly had been in a coma for 6 goddamn days. Why should I care for myself when she's lying half-dead on an uncomfortable hospital bed? All I've done for myself was eat. Not that I wanted to. The nurses forced me to eat. Although, I haven't eaten for a day, not including today. I was supposed to leave two days ago, since I escaped the accident unscathed. I only had a broken leg and minor cuts. Oh, and a jagged piece of glass in my side. But I'm fine compared to Holly. I won't leave until she comes out okay with me. Until then, no nurse, policeman, or security guard can get me to leave. God, not even the whole fucking world. I was lost in thought until I heard the steady 'beeps' of Holly's monitor increase to a fast paced sound. Shit, shit, SHIT. Standing up, I screamed
"We need a doctor! We need a fucking doctor right NOW! Get your asses in here, Holly is dying!" The doctors arrived and I was shoved out of Holly's room, not knowing that that was the last time I would see her alive.

Heyyyy, good or nah? Bare with me for it shall get better. Just needed to write a chapter of the basics. Oh, also, sorry for the short chapter. I made it so you guys will get the gist of the situation. Finally, I dedicate this chapter to my friend KodamaKanon for dissing me in her story >:| Anyways, stay tuned for more~

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