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~The same nightmare repeats every night. I always witness the cause of Holly's death. I never get a break. I can scream and fight but neither Holly nor my old self can hear me.~

"Where are we going?" Holly asked.
"You'll see! Patience." I crooned.
"Don't give me that patients crap. Tell meeee. Please, with cherries on top?" She whined. She's so cute when she whines.
"Wait. You'll find out soon enough." Just then, I felt a soft hand stroke my face. My breathing hitched and I blushed.
"Ohhh, babeee, blushing now are we? Tell me and I'll stop." I don't want her to stop but damn. She's too irresistible. Sighing in defeat, I said
"Okay, fine. We are going to...drumroll please!" She drum rolled on her lap. "The Sunny Side Diner!"
"Oh my god! I love you, I love you, I love you!" She pecked my cheek and went back to squealing in delight, lost in her own world. I smiled. She's too beautiful for her own good. I looked over for a mere second to see her wiggling around like a kid on candy. I then turned my attention back to the road. It was January 16, and the roads were icy. Suddenly, I felt the vibrations of my phone as it went off. It repeatedly went off. What the fuck? Holly was too lost in her imagination to notice. Unable to resist my curiosity, I picked up my phone and looked at the messages. The user was unknown. Huh? The messages said this:

Unknown: Do you believe in destiny?

Unknown: Do you believe in destiny?

Unknown: Do you believe in destiny?

The unknown user sent 'Do you believe in destiny 60+ times. Holy fuck. Who is sending all of this destiny shit? Is this a joke? Scanning the road, I noticed that there was nothing in sight. No cars. Good.

~Don't do it. Don't fucking do it you idiot. Don't do it!~

Looking back at my phone, I responded with

Who are you?

Suddenly Holly screamed and I focused my attention back on the rode. Shit! A buck stood inches away from my car. Still. Its eyes were unmoving and its muscles were relaxed. Acting on reflex, I swerved the car. Fatal mistake. Because the roads were coated in multiple layers of ice and frost, the car did a 360 and flipped. More like rolled. My leg was crushed and shards of broken glass sliced open my flesh. I howled in pain, Holly did the same. Then the car came to a hault. Holly and I hung upside down, unmoving. I hazily looked over to where the buck was moments ago. Gone. There was no trace of the animal I swerved my car to avoid hitting. Then I moved my head towards Holly. Holy shit. Jagged glass protruded from her right eye and she was a bloody mess. Her skin was covered in blood, no snow-white skin to be seen.
"Holly," I softly croaked her name with what little voice I had left. Fuck! My vision started to blur and fade into black. She turned her head and stared directly at me. No, through me it seemed. Before I was enveloped in darkness, Holly whispered
"Do you believe in destiny?"

~Stop. Stop. Stop! Fucking stop! You dumbass! Bring her back! Why did it have to be her. Why not me. Why, why, why! Tell me! Why was it her and not me! Give me a fucking answer!~

I was awakened by the sound of my father yelling
"Shut the hell up! I need my sleep and your screaming isn't helping me!"
I curled in on myself and sobbed, my body rapidly shaking. Why won't the nightmare stop? Is it because of my guilt? My guilt for killing Holly? Yes, yes it is. There's no other answer to explain this. Sniffing, I grabbed my phone and brought it into my line of vision. 5:54. Great, school in a three hours. I stuffed my face into my pillow. How can I go to school? Everybody will know. They will know that I killed Holly. And I did so by responding to a text. All that shit about 'don't text while you drive' has gone down the drain. But wait. I will go. Holly deserves that much. I will not be a coward, no. I'll accept what I caused. Holly would've done the same. I cried quietly into my already soaked pillow but soon fell asleep. Three more hours until school...

Okay, soo I already had this chapter typed. It was MUCH longer and more descriptive tablet died and Hell broke loose ~_~ meaning, this ENTIRE chapter was deleted. So I was too pissed off to write it the same as before :3 my apologies >.< hope this is still good xP

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