Welcome to Hell

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The alarm went off and I groaned. Do I have to go to school? Yes...Holly would've done so. She would have faced the guilt. I lazily searched for my phone, my face stuffed in my pillow, found it, and turned it off. Sighing, I removed my face from the pillow and stared at the wall. I frowned. Time to get up. Sliding off the bed, I slipped my numb toes into my slippers. I gasped as memories flooded my mind and tears ran down my face. Holly. Holly had gotten these for my birthday. I had complained months before about how my feet were always cold. They're fuzzy pink slippers with bunny ears. Just like Holly, to get me something girly and so like her. I smiled at the memory but my smile quickly faltered as I remembered that she was gone. Standing, I walked out of my room and got ready. Walking downstairs, I halted when I saw my father seated at the table in the kitchen. Realising that he was watching my every move, I tensely walked over to the door and made a move to put my hand on the handle but froze as my father spoke.
"Your screaming is annoying. It pisses me off that I'm awakened every night. You know that I'm a light sleeper. I suggest you stop before I'm forced to toss you out of the house so I can get a moments of rest."
I gritted my teeth and replied in a soft, sweet voice,
"Of course, father. I will make sure that I tend your needs since they come before mine." With that, I turned the door handle and walked out of the house. The cold air instantly greeted me and nipped at my face. Tucking my nose into my coat, I made way towards the bus stop. Well, this is going to be interesting. Luckily, nobody else was at the bus stop. Naturally, I'd have driven to school but...the car was at the dumps and it'd bring back too many memories had it not have been. Finally, after what felt like hours, the bus arrived. I awkwardly walked up the steps and tossed my backpack onto my seat. Somebody reached over before I sat and tossed my bag in the aisle. Without saying a word, I sat down and reached over to grab my backpack. Somebody reached it before me. They tossed it to the back. Well, it's not like I need my bag anyways. I shrugged and everyone instantly started whispering. Looks like they all know. Then I felt a tapping on my shoulder. A freckled redhead started at me.
"Hey, heard you killed Holly? Is that true?"
"What do you think," I replied while glaring at him.
"You must feel sooo bad. I know I would if I practically murdered somebody. But unlike you, my hobbies don't lie in getting people killed." This kid was pushing it. I clenched my fists. How bad would it be to punch him? Then I thought of Holly. I must face this for her. So I grounded my teeth and half listened to the kids ramblings. I sighed in relief when the school came into view but soon felt dread at the thought of so many people.  As soon as the bus came to a halt, I rushed off, nearly tripping. Other high schoolers trailed behind. Turning my back to them, I walked up to the entrance of the school until I felt something heavy connect with my back. My backpack. Goddamn. Kneeling, I shouldered my bag and stood. The entire schoolyard seemed to remain silent as I passed through. Everybody was whispering to one another. I thought back to what the redhead said on the bus as I entered the school. He said murdered. I really did murder Holly, didn't I? I mean, had I ignored the text messages, I'd have seen the buck in time to avoid it without swerving. But I didn't. Well, there's no hope in wishing for something to have been done differently in the past, now is there? I was too lost in despair to notice the foot that blocked my path. My left leg was hooked from under me and I face planted. Shit. My nose started to gush blood.
"Watch where you're going, asshole," growled a blonde girl. Fuck. That was one of Holly's good friends. Unable to help myself, I said
"I'll try, princess. No promises though."
"Typical. Typical attitude for a murderer. Seems like you don't care about Holly. Although I must say. It should've been you to die. Not Holly. But karma's a bitch and will get you back."
"So are you. You think I purposely killed her, huh?" Anger filled my voice and I rose from the ground, not caring for the blood that trickled down my face. " If I truly wanted to kill her, don't you think that I'd do it another way, bitch?" She turned as red as a cherry and slapped me. Tears welled in her eyes and I suddenly felt horrible. She was Holly's closest friend other than myself. I feel like shit. Staring at the ground, I walked away, Claire, Holly's friend, watched me as I left. Afterwards, whispers somehow stopped whenever I came into ear of them. I felt as if despair trailed behind me and everybody could see so that's why the were hushed. Throughout the day, many either avoided me or physically hurt me. Even the teachers seemed the shy away from me, despise glinting within their eyes. Sickening thoughts crossed my mind as the day stretched on. I was contemplating suicide. I mean, I deserve death after what I did to Holly. The idea seemed relaxing, peaceful, even. The problem was how to do it. Living in the city did offer many ways. Like the classical 'jump-in-front-of-a-train suicide.' Or just medication. Although, I think I'd rather jump off a building. Yeah, jumping off a building would be nice. It'd be quick. But that all depends on how I hit, fall, and the distance of which I'm falling from. Ah, well. I think I'll do it tomorrow morning...I'll jump from the abandoned pizza parlor building. It's three stories tall with stairs leading to the top. Easy.
By the end of the day, as I was leaving the building, I saw Claire. Changing my direction I headed towards her. She seemed to notice and tensed up uncomfortably. Once I was close enough, I stated while smiling,
"Don't worry, princess. I won't be here tomorrow so you won't have to see my sorry ass here. Seems like karma is striking pretty soon." Then I jogged away, leaving her staring wordlessly after me, mouth wide open and eyes hazel eyes glittering with shock. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will say goodbye to this shit hole of a world. Soon, karma will strike. Who would've thought that I'd be causing my own karma? 

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