second to last

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"just eat some fries, will you?"


he didn't even feel the need to hide it at this point.

yoongi had seen it all; and namjoon usually didn't use his perceptive nature to think too deep into things like this.


"i have to go."

he stood up, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

namjoon looked up at him with a fry sticking out of his mouth, asking him why he had to leave and just where the hell he had to go.

taehyung didn't answer because he didn't have to leave and he didn't have to go anywhere.

but he also couldn't eat.

he'd eat later, when he was hungry.

- - -

he'd been on his way to algebra when he started feeling dizzy.

black spots clouded his vision and he couldn't hear properly; everything sounded like he was underwater.

"hey, tae!"

oh look, scrawny hockey player kid.

"hey," taehyung mumbled. he didn't have the energy to say anything further.

"you okay?" yoongi asked. "you look pale. do you need to eat something?"


you will never need to eat anything.

you're fat. fat bitches can't eat.

"taehyung, the fuck do you mean by 'don't know?' do you need to eat something or not?"

"just fuck off."

taehyung stormed off as quickly as he could.

he had gotten to the bathroom with black spots now clouding most of his vision. he could barely see.


"the fuck do you want?"

taehyung leaned against a wall, one hand around his thigh and the other upon the sink, hoping to god that he didn't pass out.

"are you okay?"

"i'm fine," taehyung growled. "just need to sit."

"taehyung! you don't just need to sit, you need to fucking eat something and not throw it up!"

"and you need to keep your skinny little ass out of my problems!" he sounded bitter, screaming out the word skinny because that was all he wanted and yoongi had it. "i can take care of myself you fucking bastard!"

yoongi stepped forward and held taehyung by his wrist, finding that his fingers wrapped around far too easily and far too loosely. he pulled up the sleeve then, brushing away stray hairs from taehyung's eyes.

"look at how tiny you are," he murmured. "don't you think i've noticed how little you eat?"

"i'm not tiny."

"taehyung, how much do you weigh?"

"i... i dont know, i didn't weigh myself-"


a beat of hesitation.


the air left yoongi's lungs in a heap, his stomach lurching at the number.

"you could get admitted to the hospital with that weight, you know that?"

"i'm still fat."

"you're crazy."

taehyung pulled away from yoongi, his eyes glossed over with tears. his voice was trembling, he sounded unsteady; his facade of being constantly okay was now broken and shattered into a million pieces right in front of yoongi for him to see.

"you just don't see what i see."

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