The Boy in the Ice

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Note: Disclaimer- I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender or anything from the show including characters.

If you do not like this type of shipments than you do not have to read! Absolutely no negativity! All mistakes are mine!

       Warnings:  M/M, boy vs boy kissing, rated M for mature audience only, strong language, will have sexual content later in the story, dominate and more manly Zuko, Submissive and slightly girly but powerful Aang, first few chapters taken from the beginning of season 1 with slight chances. It will stray off from the show though and it will contain SPOILERS! Read at your own risk.  

Chapter 1 Part 1 - Katara -

        Why did Gran-Gran make me come with this idiot. I swear his brain is the size of a peanut. All he ever talks about is fishing and being the "man" of the tribe. I miss dad. I touched my neckless; and mom. I wish she was still alive. I miss her more than anything. How could dad leave us, we need him. I need him. I felt my eyes burn, but kept the tears at bay. It would give my brother, Sokka, an excuse to tease me again. If only he knew what I was thinking about when I cried. I know he misses mom too, but sometimes I feel like I miss her more. 

    "Katara, look!" My bone-headed brother shouted all the sudden startling me. I look up just in time to see something break his line. "Ugh! I swear I had it!" He cries out. I cannot stop my eyes from rolling. I turn around to face the back side of the boat, prepared to go back to thinking and ignoring him. Sudden I see something in the water; a fish! I take off my glove and raise my hand concentrating really hard. I try to put a bubble around the fish and make it rise out of the water for me. I close my eyes for a second, trying really hard to bend the water to my will. As I open my eyes back up, I see the fish, in it's little bubble, floating up. 

       "Sokka! Look!" I shout trying to contain myself from bouncing like a little child. 

    "What Katara? Can't you see I'm trying to fish?" I hear him say rudely. I feel my face heat up, if he would look at me, he would see that I have caught a fish. 

    "No Sokka, I caught a fish!" I try again. I can hear him sigh really loudly, as if I have put him out. 

    "What Katara?" I glance behind me and watch as he turns to face me. His face goes from annoyed to a expression of horror. "What are you doing?" He shouts. I feel my face drop as my cheeks heat up more. "Stop doing that witch thing!" He yells. My concentration is gone. I feel the fish drop back into the water as I spin around to face my immature brother. 

    "It's not a witch thing, it is WATER BENDING!" I end up yelling the last part. He actually looks afraid for a second, than his expression turns cocky. 

    "Whatever. I just know that you are not allowed to be playing with 'water magic'", he says smirking. I clinch my fists. 

    "IT IS NOT WATER MAGIC, IT IS WATER BENDING! OH MY GOSH YOU ARE IMMATURE AND STUPID! CAN YOU EVEN DO ANYTHING?! I DO EVERYTHING AT HOME. I EVEN WASH YOUR SMELLY SOCKS! DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD THEY SMELL?! YOU DON'T WORRY ABOUT THAT DO YOU? ALL YOU EVER DO IS FISH AND PLAY SOLIDER, AND FOR THE RECORD YOU ARE NOT A SOLIDER AND YOU WILL NEVER BE ONE!" I yell. Sokka looks at me really scared, than all of the sudden I head a loud crash. I look up just in time to see a huge ice chunk falling towards us. Sokka grabs a paddle and tries to get us as far away from as he can. Just seconds before it hit us, he got us away from it. The wave from it on the other hand flipped the boat and we landed on some frozen ice. I look at Sokka, he's smirking up at me. "Did...Did I do that?" I asked looking down. My eyes water and I try to wipe them as quickly as I can. 

    "Yep! Congrats Katara, you destroyed our boat with your 'water magic'." He says, glaring as he finishes the last port. I sit down and look down, I am so stupid. After a couple of minutes of silence Sokka grabs my hand all the sudden. "Hold on!" He yells, his grip still tight on my arm. I look up just in time to see us flying from our spot on the ice to another piece of ice. As the water calms back down, we turn around just in time to see a huge ball of ice rise from the ocean. Once it was risen all the way, we walk toward it, uneasy. As we near it, I see a figure in the ice. It looks like a boy! His eyes open and I gasp in surprise. I look at Sokka, his jaw is hanging open. I see the boy's mouth form into a smile or something. 

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