Aang 3

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Guess who?! Anyway I have decided to update since everyone seems to like it, which makes me really happy! I am not sure how much of this is going to follow the show, which I have watched enough times to memorize different scenes...but nevertheless I hope you all like it.

Chapter 3 –Aang

I cannot help but feel disappointed. The man who was meant for me in every way wants to take me to his father, the Fire Lord. I hope that the information from the Western Air Temple is enough to change his mind. Am I willing to risk it though? He is asleep right now; this is the perfect time to escape. I snuggle deeper into his arms and in return he tightens them around me. What of instead of helping me, he realizes his power over me and uses it against me. I should leave. I cannot afford to stall any longer. I have to master the other three elements and stop this war Katara was talking about. Before I ran away, the monks had voiced their concerns about a war in the making. I am assuming that after I left, the fire nation begun their takeover. If I stay here, my odds of stopping this war are low. He is a Prince, a Fire Nation Prince. If he realizes that I need him, he could use me to win the war. If the Fire Nation wins this war, then I have failed the world again. With that thought, I relax my body to escape his arms. As soon as I am out of his warm embrace, I air bend my shaft to me and open the door. I look back before the door closes and see Zuko's confused face. My heart hurts. I need to get out of here. I ran in the direction I came from. When I reach the surface of the ship, guards attack me. I fight back, but I am out numbered. The monks had once advised me that should I find myself at a disadvantage that I should take flight instead of staying to fight. They had said that unless I knew I could take my opponent or if it was my destiny, then I should leave the fight. Taking their advice, I get on my shaft and air bend thought the air. Suddenly something jumps on top of my shaft. I look up to see Zuko's flushed face. He looks angry.

"Get back here Avatar!" He shouts at me. I want to obey and my shaft is getting too heavy and soon we are falling from the sky. Once we land, I back away from him using my bending. He glares at me and fire daggers appear in his hands. He circles me, looking for my weak spot. I guess he finds it because he starts attacking me. I try to use my bending to keep up with his attack. This feels wrong. Why is he attacking me? I am doing this for the world, why can't he understand. After fighting for a couple minutes I hear a roar in the sky. I look up and see Appa.

"Appa!" I call out relieved. Zuko looks up to, but he doesn't stay distracted for long. He hits me with his fire and I realize how close I am to the edge of the boat because a second later, I fall into the water. My injury hurts and I cannot fight the water. My mind goes back to the storm.

"We need you Aang. We need you Aang." Monk Gyatso calling me. I tried to swim up even harder, but my strength was once again failing me. Suddenly I heard a new voice.

"AANG! AANGGG!" Katara calls out. Like the feeling before, something takes over me. I feel myself being shot up from the water with power I did not have before. I watch as I attack the people on the boat.

"Don't hurt him." I whisper in my brain, as I watch Zuko getting slammed into the water.

"Don't worry young one, your grounder is fine." A male voice comforts me. Once the threat is gone, I feel my body gaining it's control back.

"We will meet again young Avatar." Voices call out. I stumble as I gain the control over my legs back.

"Aang!" Katara calls out as Appa lands on the boat. I quickly get on.

"Thanks for coming Katara!" I hear a snort and look up farther, on Appa's saddle is Sokka. "Thanks Sokka!" I call out to him. "Appa, yip yip!" I shout as I see Zuko come out of the water. We lunch forward and upward. I see an old man come from within the ship, and blink his eyes at me. Suddenly fire balls are fired at us. I look around, as Appa tries to escape the fire. Ice glaciers! I use my bending to cut off a piece as Zuko's boat goes around one. The ice falls onto the boat, damaging it. I hope he can forgive me for that I think as I sit back down on Appa. I take a breath and turn around to see Sokka and Katara staring at me.

"You did it Aang." She says, sounding surprised. I try to keep the annoyed look off my face. She doesn't understand what I just did to my grounder. I smile instead.

"So... Are you guys coming with me?" I asked wondering if I needed to drop them off. Sokka opens his mouth to respond, but Katara's glare keeps him from saying anything.

"Of course Aang. Aang, why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar?" She asks. I look down, guilt climbing up my chest. I never wanted to be the Avatar. I just wanted to be a kid. I wanted to play. Now I no longer see that as an option. I have to step forth and master the elements to stop this war and bring back balance.

"I never wanted to be the Avatar." I said. I cannot help but this back to the monks. When they informed me that I was the Avatar, my world was never the same. It changed even more when Gyatso informed me that my grounder was the same gender as me. The other monks looked at me a little different. "Anyway, we need to go home so I can meet someone important." I say.

"Who?" Katara asks.

"I don't know yet." I reply. I also need information about my grounder. Zuko and I should be on our way to the Western Temple, not Sokka and Katara. I feel shameful.

"Aang...The war has been going on for 100 years. What if you don't like what you see?" She asks. Holy moly! I haven't cleaned my room in 100 years! Yeck!

"Katara, it's the air temple... The only way to get into the air temple is by a flying bison or air bending. I doubt the Fire Nation could have reached it." I inform her. Why can't I help but feel like I am wrong?

Well there is chapter 3...stay tuned! 

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