An unlikely friend

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You stared up at the strange being, she was staring down at you in an intimidating manner. You almost reached for your axe until you heard the tall orange woman speak to herself. "Ugh, great. First I'm stuck on this hunk of rock, I can't find Lapis, now I'm a babysitter!" You kept watching her, having no clue what she was talking about until she turned her back towards you, walking away from you, her long beige hair flowing behind her. Who was this mysterious being? Did she come from space? How did she end up here? You had so many questions for her as you stood up and began to follow the strange tall alien.

"Hey, wait! I want to ask you some things!" You chase after her as the being stopped in her tracks and turned her head to look over her shoulder and down at you. "Where did you come from?" You started to ask her questions, which the woman seemed annoyed. "Homeworld, and I need to find lapis and get home." Who is the world was she talking about? You just had so many questions for this being. "What's your name?" You ask as you didn't want to just keep referring to her as the strange being from space. "Jasper." Jasper. You thought it was a rather odd name for a woman. "And you?" The woman turned around to look down at you, golden eyes glaring down at you. "I-I'm (y/n)."

"Well, (y/n), it was nice meeting you, but I must be going, I have to find a way home somehow..." The woman muttered to herself as she turned her back and started to walk away. You sighed and turned the opposite direction, picking up your axe and setting on your way. As you trekked across the woods, you started to think about Jasper. You just had so many questions for her. What is she exactly? Who is this "Lapis" she speaks of? Hundreds of questions ran through your head until the sound of a howling wolf ran through your ears. You freeze in your tracks, gripping the axe in both your hands as you looked around the area to see if anything was looking at you through the darkness. So far you saw nothing. You shrug it off and continue walking, only to be greeted by the same sound.

You freeze in your tracks, gripping the rusted axe in your hands. Looking around for any danger until you saw "it". Suddenly, a wolf like creature leapt out of the darkness, it looked like a large black wolf with crimson eyes and sharp yellow teeth snarling at you. What made it so odd to look at is that a red gem was imbedded in its head and there were spines coming out the back almost looking like a porcupine. You froze in fear staring at the monster, slowly backing away at it lurched towards you with hungry eyes. You soon panicked and made a run for it, only to start a chase. You leapt over streams and fallen trees to try and slow the beast down, but none seemed to work. As you were running, your foot got caught on a vine and caused you to trip, causing you to fall flat on your face. You looked up to see the creature leap at you. You covered your head, thinking that it was finally the end.

Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of loud thunderous footsteps sprinting towards you. You turn your head to see a large figure sprinting towards you at an alarming speed, and at a closer look, it appeared to be none other than Jasper. As you saw her, you noticed she had some sort of helmet that she summoned out of nowhere. Jasper was screaming as she charged towards you, you duck down only to find out she was attacking the monster that almost tried to eat you. You watched her ram into the beast, crushing it against a tree and it snapped in half. The monster growled as it swiped its claws at Jasper, leaving a scratch on her face. Jasper then lifted it with her own bare hands, showing just how strong she really was. She did a body slam to the monster on the ground, ending its existence as it vanished into a cloud of grey smoke.

Jasper panted softly as she stood back up, dusting herself off and wiping the sweat from her brow, her helmet vanishing into thin air. You then found her looking towards you, walking in your direction. You were still on the ground as she squatted down and held out her red hand and you hesitantly took it as she helped you stand up. As Jasper was looking at you, she didn't seem quite menacing as before, but seemed to have a look of concern and curiosity "Y-you saved me...thank you." Jasper gave you a half smile and nodded. "Don't mention it. You should go home, it's dangerous out here." Jasper turned around to walk away until you spoke to her. "But...I don't have a home..." Jasper turned around to look at you with a rather surprised expression. "You...don't?" You shook your head and sighed sadly. Jasper seemed rather interested in you as she dropped to her knees to meet your eye level. "I'm sure humans have homes too. What happened?" You sniffle and wipe a tear from your eye. "I-I don't want to talk about it...I should go.." You turn to walk away from Jasper and pick up your axe as you went on your way until you felt a large hand touch your shoulder. "(y/n).." You turn your head to look up at Jasper.

"Listen, you don't know about the dangers of this world, you could die out there. Let me come with you, I have no place to go either." You look up at the large woman, thinking why would this being save your life after just meeting you less than five minutes ago. Then again, she could be good protection in case of any trouble. "Alright, you can come with me." You agreed to let her tag along and Jasper smiled at you. "Lead the way." You started walking away, Jasper tagging along right behind you like a bodyguard to a leader. You soon stop at a lone tree in a field. "We can journey on in the morning, but now I gotta sleep." You said with a soft yawn as Jasper raised an eyebrow as she sat down on the ground. "Sleep? What is that?" You rub your eyes still yawning a little. "It's when you close your eyes and get refreshed for the next day." You make yourself comfortable using Jasper's right leg as a pillow. "Don't you need to sleep?" Jasper huffed and crossed her arms. "Gems have no need for "sleep"." You smile and roll over to your side, huddling yourself in your coat. "Can you at least watch over me while I sleep?" Jasper looked down at you, placing her hand along your back as you relaxed and the last you heard from jasper before drifting to sleep was: "Yes, I will."

Gem guardian Jasper x Child! Reader (Undergoing rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now