Fusion friend

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"M-Malachite..?" You look up at the massive green fusion towering over you as it held your bubble in it's hands. "So you're a fusion...of Lapis and Jasper?" Malachite only smiled, placing you down on the ocean floor, laying down on her belly, propping her head up with her front arm. "Correct, we used to be fueled by anger and mistrust, but you changed their relationship. We fused to protect you." You sit down in the bubble and look up at her, the dim glow of the bubble giving the fusion an eerie appearance, but you had no fear as she means no harm. "Protect me? So, when you fuse, do you work together to control it or do you become someone entirely new?" You look up at malachite curiously. "We become someone new, but we also lose individuality if we are stuck for too long. It's what happened to us long ago..." Malachite answered coldly, her four eyes narrowing at you. "Is that how I found Jasper then...? You two split apart?" The fusion only nodded, picking up your bubble again and bringing you face to face. "So...which one of you is talking to me right now?" You ask curiously, placing your hands against the walls of the bubble. "Both." She lifted her hand and placed it on the bubble, like she was trying to touch your hand. "The both of us are fueled by our desires to protect you and keep you safe." You look up at her, looking like a mix of happy and confused. "Protect me...? I understand Jasper's motives, but Lapis...we literally just met." Malachite only smiled hearing that, her sharp fangs glittering. "Well, Lapis... She sympathizes with you. She was trapped in a magic mirror for centuries. She knows what it's like to be all alone, to have nobody to run to... Just as I was trapped here in the ocean for so long... Alone with my thoughts, driving me insane...!" Malachite shouted, gripping her hands with her head, looking like she was about to split apart, but regained balance, panting softly and looking back at you.

"Then...if you hate this place, why bring me here?" You ask, pressing the bubble against her forehead and aligned your hand to her head to comfort her. "We just wanted to protect you..." She leaned her head against the bubble, all of her eyes closed. "It was the safest place for you..." You look at the giant fusion, knowing it fused together and dragged you to the darkness of the ocean all for you. "Well, as much as I'd love to stay down here with you, I'm probably gonna starve down here, so can we go up to the surface?" Malachites eyes opened and looked at you, she took hold of the bubble in both her front hands. "Absolutely, hold on tight." You sat down in the bubble, Malachite shooting herself upwards in the water, forcing your body down cause of the speed she was moving. You saw the light of the sun peek through the ocean, Malachite penetrated the surface of the sea and the two of you land on a deserted island.

Malachite placed the bubble down on the sand, tapping it with her finger and it popped. You felt the hot sand on your rear as you looked up at the large fusion, amazed at how big she was. She reached down and held out her hand, you took it, holding onto her fingertip as she helped you stand. As you stood beside the fusion, you only came up to the middle of one of her bottom legs. "Wow...you're so big, what does it look like up there?" You ask curiously, Malachite looking out in the distance and looking down at you. "It's really nice, you want to see?" She offered her hand and you hesitantly stepped on. She lifted you up to her head and you stepped off, sitting on a bed of soft silky white hair. You look up and you see a view of the island, the jungle of trees spreading as far as the eye can see. You look around in amazement, looking around the island and up towards the bright blue sky. "Wow..." You whisper in amazement as Malachite summoned her water wings. "Want to take a look around?" She smiled, darting her eyes up as she attempted to look at you. You lean over so she can get a better view and nod in response.

"Then hold on tight!" Your hands gripped strands of her hair and she squatted down before darting off towards the sky, the wind blowing through your hair and the world below you. "Wow, we're so high up!" You exclaim as Malachite flew just above the ocean surface, soaring like an eagle. You looked down to see your reflections in the water. "Hold on tight, (y/n), things will get crazy." You gripped her hair as tight as you could as Malachite flew higher in the air, doing a backflip as you briefly dangle from her and land back on as she flipped over. "How was that?" She asked as she darted higher into the sky. "That was amazing!" You say as you lose your grip for a second and slip off her head, falling towards the ocean. "Help!" You call out as Malachite's hand caught you before you hit the ocean. "Woah, that would have been a nasty fall." You sigh of relief as she catches you, looking up at her with a smile as she smiles back, reaching up to place you on the back of her neck. You grip strands of her hair as she glides gently across the sky, heading towards the island. Her back four legs land on the sand as her wings vanish and she reached to the back of her neck to pick you up and set you on the ground. "Wow, that was so much fun!" You say happily as you sit down on the sand, Malachite sitting down near you.

"The sunset looks beautiful huh?" You say looking out to the setting sun then up towards the massive gem. Malachite smiled looking at the sunset and down towards you. "Didn't you and Jasper have this conversation once?" She stated, raising a brow at you. You chuckle and give her arm a playful shove. Malachite chuckled as well, placing one of her lower hands on your back. She felt rather heavy on you, but only because of her size. You relax as her hand felt warm on you, feeling the love from both Lapis and Jasper resonating from the fusion. You smile as you look up at Malachite, placing your hand on hers. "I love you. I love both of you." She lit up when you said that, scooping you up in her hand and brought you into a hug. It was hard to do because of your size difference, but it didn't matter, you could still feel the love, and so could she. "I love you too." She lifted you up to her face, you were standing mere inches away from the green gem on her face. "We love you." She was smiling, all four eyes staring softly at you. You lean over to place your hand on her gem, planting a kiss on the tip of the gem.

Your moment was interrupted by the sound of a warp pad activating. Malachite glances in the direction as she set you on the ground. You heard the voice of Pearl as she stepped out of the jungle with the rest of the crystal gems, including Steven. "So as I said, she has been spotted in this area and so we need to find-" Pearl froze in her place as she spotted Malachite, the green gem glaring down at her as pearl drew her spear. "Malachite!" Garnet and amethyst drew their weapons as well, except for Steven who stayed put and was really concerned about all this. "(Y/n), get away from that thing!" Pearl shouted pointing her spear as you looked up at Malachite. "No! I won't let you take them away! We promised to protect them together!" Malachite shouted, groaning in agony as she held her head, looking like she was in pain and seemed to be talking to herself in different voices. "No, I can't do this anymore!" "We have to do this! It's for (y/n)!" "If you want to protect them, then just go!" At that last sentence, there was a flash of light as Lapis and Jasper were separated, the two of them laying on the sand. Jasper quickly scurried up and ran in front of you as Lapis got up and stood with Steven. Jasper snarled at the gems, summoning her helmet. "You'll have to get through me if you want them."

Gem guardian Jasper x Child! Reader (Undergoing rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now