New town, new troubles

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"(Y/n), wake up!" You had fallen asleep in jaspers arms in the boxcar and she shook you awake. You mumble softly and rub your eyes, looking up at jasper sleepily. "J-jas, It's still night why are you-" "We've stopped." Jasper interrupted you as you look toward the opening of the boxcar seeing that the train has indeed stopped. "Why did we...?" You ponder as you stick your head out, seeing that the train had stopped at an old warehouse, a couple of men standing by the train carrying out supplies. "We got to get out before they see us." You say as jasper nods and picks you up suddenly carrying you on her back. Soon as the men are looking away, Jasper carefully steps out and rushes inside the warehouse, being careful not to make a sound. You look around as you sat on her back, the warehouse was full of aisles of construction equipment, full of supplies as well as various machines, no human was in sight.

"What is all this?" Jasper asked curiously, keeping her voice down. "I don't know what this stuff is, but it's used to build buildings." You respond as jasper continued to carry you across the room. "Seems far inferior to the technology on homeworld..." Jasper grumbled to herself propping you on her shoulders. "Oh, whats the stuff on homeworld like?" You lean over jaspers head, looking her straight in the eye upside down. "Far more advanced than this, but I know a Peridot that knows more than I do." Jasper responded as the two of you found an exit. As Jasper stepped out, she kneeled down to let you slide down her back and to the ground. The two of you look around the area, seeming as if you two were in the middle of nowhere, except for the town that was in the distance. "Jas, theres a town over there, we should head that direction." You grab her hand and start walking, only to be stopped by jasper not moving an inch. You look up at her as she had a rather cold expression on her face. "Why?" You look out at the distance of the town. "If we go, we can rest for a couple of days, you know, refresh before heading out again." You smile as you urge Jasper to follow, and she follows behind you, seeming unhappy about going to a place where humans lived. You and your gem guardian walked along the road, walking for a few miles until you spotted a sign that said, "welcome to beach city."

"Beach city? Sounds like a nice town." You smile as you carry on, Jasper however, felt rather uneasy about going to this town, knowing what lived in it. Humans and those meddling crystal gems, but she followed along anyways, as she promised to protect you. "Here we are!" You say excitedly as you reach the borders of beach city, the town seeming empty as it was the middle of the night. You look around the town, liking the atmosphere of it so far, looking at all the nice little shops and restaurants along the boardwalk. Your peaceful search was interrupted by the sound of loud music in the distance. You turn your back and see bright headlights in the distance. A car rolled up, stopped around the corner. "(Y/n), who are they?" Jasper looked down at you looking like a mix of both worried and confused. "They might be thugs, be careful, Jas, they might be after you." Jasper slipped you inside of an alleyway. "Stay here." She marched over to the thugs, all of them spotting her and pointing their guns at her. "Whoa girl, don't go looking for a fight!" One of the thugs shouted, Jasper found this as a threat and summoned her helmet, ramming a guy into the car, making a loud crash. The others started shooting towards her, only enraging Jasper further. She picked up the second thug by the neck and slammed him against the hard concrete ground, causing his face to bleed and bruise. More bullets were shot, Jasper charged at the remaining thugs and one ran away from her, the other being greeted by a slam to the stomach and straight into a wall. The fight was over, unfortunately for Jasper, she was badly wounded, bleeding from all her bullet wounds, but she wasn't ready to retreat to her gem yet. She groaned in pain and picked herself up, making her way towards you.

You couldn't hold back the tears, hearing all these crashing sounds and bullets being shot all over, thinking your only friend was hurt. "(Y/n)." You look up and see Jasper bleeding from various places from the bullets. "Jasper..." You say with worry in your voice, but Jasper stops you as she hugs you. "(Y/n), I'm going to be ok. Listen, I'm going to retreat to my gem to heal, I don't know how long i'll be, but I need you to protect me." Jasper looked at you with pleading eyes. She was so badly hurt that you agree to let her poof away to regenerate. Jasper smiled at you and disappeared into orange smoke, her tiny orange gem dropping into your hands. You pull it up to your face and give the gem a kiss. "Don't worry Jas, I'll protect you, just like you protected me." You say as you slip the gem into your coat pocket. You search around the city to look for a place to rest until morning, and you find a spot behind a restaurant that seemed to be called the big donut. You make yourself comfortable in front of the dumpster, laying awake until falling asleep peacefully.

You were woken up quite suddenly once morning came, a young man with curly orange hair kicking you in the chest. "Hey kid, get out of here! This isn't a place to sleep!" You got up and quickly scurried away, rushing into the boardwalk. The town didn't seem crowded, but there was quite a few people around. You hold your stomach as it started to growl, thinking you should get some food soon. You turn around and look up at the big donut, thinking it would be the best place to get breakfast. You walk over and open the door, the door jingling and alerting the two cashiers. One appeared to be a young woman with short curly blond hair, and you recognized the other person as the guy who kicked you awake less than 5 minutes ago.

"Hey there, I don't think i've seen you before." The blonde woman spoke with a smile. You walk over to the counter and peek over to look at the woman. "Y-yeah, I'm sorta new in town." You respond, looking at the boy that was giving you a dirty look. "I'm Sadie, who are you?" The woman spoke looking over at you. "Oh, I'm (y/n)." You smile up at her and the boy scoffed at you. "Oh good, now I don't have to call you "street urchin." Sadie nudged him, the boy giving her a scowl. "That's Lars. Anyways, what can I get you?" She looked at you expectantly. You look around the shop, seeing all the different pastries and treats sitting around, you couldn't decide what you wanted, but eventually came to a decision. "I'll have a donut, please." Sadie smiled and turned to grab a donut, putting it in a bag and setting it on the counter for you. You were about to grab it, but then stopped. "Something wrong?" Sadie asked with concern. "I...don't have any money." You say with a look of shame. Lars then snatched the bag away from the counter. "Then no donut for you!" He snapped as Sadie grabbed it back. "Lars! Hey, it's ok, this ones on the house." You smile and nod at her as you grab the bag and set out. "Thank you!" You exclaim before you head out the door. You were jumping for joy on the inside. No one had done such a kind gesture to you in a long time, you hoped that everyone else in this city was as kind and generous. Right?

Gem guardian Jasper x Child! Reader (Undergoing rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now