Chapter 1: The Mourning of a Good Friend- Pt. 2

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"Reuben!" Jesse called, " Reuben?"  She heard a distant oink and ran towards where it came from.

"Reuben!" There he was. Her precious, beloved pig. They both started running towards each other, but then Reuben squeals in terror.

"What is it, Reuben?" She asks, then turns around and sees the Wither  Storm. Jesse screams and tries to grab her sword, but she has no sword. Reuben is backing away, scared.

"Don't worry, Reuben! I'll protect you." She stands in front of Reuben, ready to fight the Wither storm, sword or no sword.

Then everything went black. Then when light returned, she was In the portal hallway. Then she was falling and saw SkyCity above her. A huge island with water pouring down the side. 

She then fell into a dining room. 

"What the...? Wait." Jesse whispered. Everything was black again, and light returned.

"I AM THE WHITE PUMPKIN!!" It (She) was standing over Jesse, axe in hand. Jesse screamed and scrambled away. It followed and chased her. Not looking where she was going, she fell down a pit

She landed on her back.

"Oof!" She stood up and brushed the sand off of her clothes.

"Wait, Sand?!" She muttered. 

"Welcome back, Jesse. Yay!" Said a robotic voice behind her.

"Oh no...!" She whispered. In front of her was  the Chipping Machine.

She turned around and there it was; A giant green-colored screen with a smiling face.

"Pama!?" Jesse screamed.

"Yes, Jesse. It is I. PAMA. Now you will be made USEFULL. Yay"

"No!" Jesse screamed, "You will never control me, PAMA!"

"Oh, Jesse. You know the consequences, remember? Your friends were made useful and I have all of their memories. Now I will have yours."

"No..." Jesse whispered. Then she remembered.

"HARPER!!" Jesse yelled.

"Ah, my creator." 

Harper somehow heard Jesse's cry .

"Jesse!?" Then she screamed, "Oh no!"

Jesse was grabbed by the arms and pulled towards the machine. She struggled and screamed.

"Jesse! No!" Harper yelled. "PAMA! Let her go! Um...Um. PAMA! I'll let you make me usefull..."

"NO Harper Don't do i-!"

"Welcome Jesse. Yay!" PAMA said.

"Jesse! NO!!" Harper screamed.

"Jesse! Help!" She heard.

"Huh...?" she looked around. "Lukas!"

Lukas was hanging from a snow block. Below him was lava. 'Wait-Lava?!' She thought.

"Spleef!" All around her with snow blocks and holes leading into lava.


She ran towards Lukas and grabbed his hand. 

"Jesse! I'm- I'm slipping!" Jesse pulled and pulled and eventually brought him up.

"Thanks, Jesse!"

"No problem." All of a sudden, a person ran towards them and destroyed the ground under Lukas.

Jesse gasped.



He respawned.

Then Jesse fell.  


"Hahaha. Hey Miss Beautiful! Miss me?" Said a voice  behind her. 

Jesse turned around and saw Adrian leaning on a tree. He half smiled half smirked at her.

"Adrian?" Jesse said. She walked towards him.

"The one the only!"  He said walking towards her. When they stood in front of each other, face to face, Adrian reached out and tucked her bangs behind her ear.

"Wha- What are you doing- here?" Jesse stuttered.

"Heh, nothing, Beautiful."

"Um, Adrian? Are- Are you okay?" Jesse asked wearily.

"Ya, just fine. It's just I never realized how beautiful you are." He placed his hand on her neck and went close to her. Jesse blushed. They both closed their eyes. Their lips touched. Adrian kissed her! 

And then it was black.

Then she was at the beginning. Reuben was there, and Jesse was trembling with fear. She hugged Reuben then set him down on the ground. They walked for a while. 

Then there was a great shadow behind her. A black tentacle from the Wither Storm grabbed Jesse by the neck. Reuben squealed and headbutted the tentacle but it was no use.

"I love you, Reuben!" Jesse wheezed, tears running down her face. Reuben oinked sadly. That was the last thing she saw before blacking out....

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