Chapter 2

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      Hello Readers,

      Here it is chapter 2!!!! This chapter is kind of short so please forgive me on that part and I promise to make this next chapter a little longer!!!!

      Anyways to those who are reading this story I hope you are enjoying reading it as mch as I am enjoying wrtiting it!!!!

      I will post the next chapter as soon as I can but I am not making any promises because I have school and things to worry about!!!

      Vote, Comment, Fan and let me know what you think!!

      P.S. The music has nothing to do with the story I just enjoy the song!!! And if you see any Spelling mistakes would you please let me know!!!




Chapter 2

            (Joey’s P.O.V.)

            The council is made up of over sixty members; each species is required to have one male council member and one female council member, not only that but each member has to be elected to be on the council and they only have a six year run as being a council member unless they screw it up that is and they are taken off or are killed.

            That rarely happens but it does happen, a member is caught in some sort of scam or some crap or someone that dislikes them decides to hire a hit man to kill them.

            Back in the eighteen hundreds or so the council was made up of all male members but after the females in all species revolted and demanded equality, the council along with the royal families had to give in because other wise thing would have gotten ugly and blood would have been shed.

            So much to many peoples displeasure the council and all the royal families gave women the same rights as men.

            And so everything evolved over time and now here I am in the twenty-first century standing in front of the sixty council members so that’s like one hundred and twenty some odd eyes all staring at me while I am having an internal meltdown at the news they have just given me.

            “If you will excuse me I need a few moments to gather my thoughts.” I say calmly even though I am anything but.

            “Of course.” The head female werewolf says looking at me with a confused expression on her face.

            I calmly turn on my heel and walk out of my room but once I am out of everyone’s sight I run to the girl’s restroom and lock the door.

            Fuck.. Fuck.. FUCK MY LIFE!


            Why the fuck does this always happen to me??

            It’s like the fucking spirits can sense when I am finally happy and content and they have to do something to throw my life out of whack.

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